April Challenge: In From the Cold (MCU/Torchwood)

Apr 29, 2019 12:22

Title: In From the Cold
Author: brumeier
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe/Torchwood
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Jack Harkness, Peggy Carter
Rating: Teen & Up
H/C: sacrifice, hostile climate, loss of limb

Summary: Steve is ready to sacrifice himself for the greater good when Captain Jack Harkness shows up ( Read more... )

fandom: marvel: movies (mcu), fandom: torchwood, prompt: sacrifice, [medium: fic], prompt: hostile climate, round: 9, amnesty: challenges: april, prompt: loss of limb/amputation/mutilati

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Comments 2

hc_bingo_mod April 30 2019, 06:14:30 UTC

... )


brumeier April 30 2019, 12:18:48 UTC
Thank you!!


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