Extra: Cross-Square

Dec 28, 2018 16:53

Fandoms: Far Cry 5
Prompts: post-traumatic stress disorder, forced to hurt somebody

Title: Dissolution
Fandom: Far Cry 5
Prompt: post-traumatic stress disorder, forced to hurt somebody
Medium: Fic
Word Count/Size: 3,220
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: References to Past Torture/Violence, Past Canonical Major Character Deaths, Strong Language.
Summary: Rook brings Pratt to Holland Valley.

(ATTN MODS: I used the same card as my other bingo fills, and current wordcount according to AO3 is 203,694)

[medium: fic], prompt: forced to hurt somebody, prompt: post-traumatic stress disorder, extra: cross square, round: 9, fandom: far cry

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