Extra - Postage Stamp

Dec 31, 2015 22:17

Author: deinonychus_1
Fandoms: Atlantis
H/C: 'washing/bathing someone', 'cages', 'septicemia/infected wounds', 'protecting/losing precious object'.

Title: Somebody to Lean On
Fandom: Atlantis
Prompt: 'washing/bathing someone', 'cages', 'septicemia/infected wounds', 'protecting/losing precious object'.
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 5439
Rating: PG
Warnings: Permanent serious injury
Summary: Neither of them needed to mention how many times Pythagoras had been the one who did this sort of thing for Hercules or Jason when they were injured. Hercules couldn’t imagine not doing this for Pythagoras now.

Mod(s), please can we have tags for prompt: washing/bathing someone, and prompt: protecting/losing precious object. Thanks!

prompt: loss of a treasured possession, fandom: atlantis, round: 6, prompt: septicemia / infected wounds, extra: postage stamp, prompt: cages, [medium: fic], prompt: washing/bathing someone

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