Bingo: Straight Line

Dec 22, 2015 00:15

Author: fairyniamh
Fandoms: Random, Supernatural RPF, Harry Potter, No Fandom, Daredevil (Netflix)
H/C: Group Support, Assault, Free Space (Chemo/Cancer), Bruises, Loss of Vision

**Personal Note** If you see an Icon you enjoy, please, feel free to nab it. All I ask for is credit.

Title: You can get through this
Fandom: random (Has one MLP, one Pooh Bear, One Ruby Gloom, the rest are random group support.)
Prompt: Group Support
Medium: icons
Wordcount: n/a
Rating: G
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: 10 Icons showing friends and group support.

Title: Chase You Down
Fandom: SPN RPF
Prompt: Assault
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2,160
Rating: R
Warnings: Attempted/Threatened Rape
Summary: Jensen's parents sign him up for a game show... and that is just the start of his troubles.

Title: Strength
Fandom: Harry Potter
Prompt: Free Space (Chemo/Cancer)
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 639
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Severe Depression, Talks of Death
Summary: Severus is stronger than he realizes and Harry will be there to make him believe it.

Title: Ouchies
Fandom: No fandom
Prompt: Bruises
Medium: icon
Wordcount: n/a
Rating: PG-13 (simply because of the bruises)
Warnings: all appropriate
Summary: 10 icons depicting bruise care

Title: Stages
Fandom: Daredevil
Prompt: Loss of Vision
Medium: icons
Wordcount: N/a
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: all appropriate, etc
Summary: Loss of sight does not always mean loss of vision

prompt: assault, prompt: group support, round: 6, fandom: supernatural, bingo: straight line, [medium: fic], fandom: rpf: actors: supernatural, fandom: daredevil, prompt: bruises, prompt: major illness or injury, fandom: harry potter, [medium: icons], prompt: loss of vision

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