FILLED: Diagonal Line

Jan 02, 2015 19:35

Author: jennytork
Fandoms: Supernatural, Stargate: Atlantis
H/C: bruises, insomnia, wild card (loss of voice), trapped together, wings

Title: The Truth of the Matter
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompts: bruises
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 255
Rating: K+
Warnings: none
Summary: After a hunt, an injured John just doesn't feel comfortable sending Dean to school.

Title: Nocturnae
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompts: Insomnia
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 172
Rating: K
Warnings: None
Summary: I never want to sleep again.

Title: R is for Rant
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Prompts: Wild Card (loss of voice)
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 205
Rating: K
Warnings: none
Summary: I thought it would be peaceful in the lab since McKay had laryngitis.

Title: T is for Trapped
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Prompts: Trapped together
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 678
Rating: K+
Warnings: none
Summary: Sheppard and an injured Wraith from Todd's Hive are trapped together.

Title: To Save Sam
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompts: wings
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 174
Rating: K
Warnings: season 9 spoilers
Summary: He had done it to save Sam.

round: 5, fandom: stargate: atlantis, prompt: wings, fandom: supernatural, [medium: fic], bingo: diagonal, prompt: trapped together, prompt: bruises, prompt: insomnia, prompt: loss of voice

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