BINGO: blackout

Dec 22, 2010 09:18

Author: enigmaticblues
Fandoms: Angel, Bones, Eureka, Sanctuary, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Supernatural
H/C: torture, broken bones, insomnia, build-up of job related trauma, kidnapping, homelessness, de-age (physical), pandemics and epidemics, driven to insanity, cuddling for warmth/snowed in, insanity (always there), zombie apocalypse, WILD CARD, bruises, isolation/accidentally locked in, stalkers/serial killers, stigmata, stranded/survival scenario, vampires: sun burn or poisoning, loss of hearing, muscle strains or spasms, counseling/therapy, unwanted superpower (sudden onset), surprise sexswap, telepathy (always there but sudden trauma)

Title: Thunder in Our Hearts
Prompt: torture
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions past torture, references canonical character death
Summary: SG-1 (Gen); Sometimes the nightmares follow you home.

Title: Break and Bend
Prompt: broken bones
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Supernatural (Dean/Castiel); Dean smiled. “Humans-we either break or we bend, Cas. And sometimes, when we break, we just have to pick up the pieces.”

Title: The Persistence of Memory
Prompt: insomnia
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Sanctuary (Gen); Helen Magnus was ready to be done with grief.

Title: Hard Row to Hoe
Prompt: build-up of job-related trauma
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Supernatural (Dean/Castiel); Castiel had made a promise to be there for Dean when he called.

Title: When You Open Your Eyes
Prompt: kidnapping
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Bones (Angela/Hodgins); She willed her face to replace the darkness that haunted him.

Title: Wherever I Find Myself
Prompt: homelessness
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: SG-1/SGA (Gen); John Sheppard isn’t used to feeling sorry for himself.

Title: God Bless the Child (That's Got His Own)
Prompt: de-age (physical)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Angel (Gen); Wesley really hadn’t enjoyed being a kid the first time around.

Title: And Ten Thousand Fall
Prompt: pandemics and epidemics
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Major Character Deaths.
Summary: Supernatural (Gen); The archangels find a new way to wipe the slate clean.

Title: Drive Me Crazy
Prompt: driven to insanity
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Angel (Gen); Cordelia can’t do anything to help Angel, but she can’t do nothing either.

Title: Cold Hands (Warm Heart)
Prompt: cuddling for warmth/snowed in
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Supernatural (Dean/Castiel); Castiel has never been so cold.

Title: We Now Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Broadcast
Prompt: insanity (always there)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Supernatural (Dean/Anna); In truth, Anna’s always been a little different.

Title: Though Sorrow Endures
Prompt: zombie apocalypse
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Canonical character death.
Summary: Sanctuary (Will/Kate); Sometimes, you turn to the only person you’ve got left.

Title: Someone I Have Never Known
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Eureka (Jack/Nathan); Funny thing about amnesia-everybody gets a second chance to make a first impression.

Title: Black and Blue
Prompt: bruises
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Eureka (Jack/Nathan); Explosions in Eureka were never good.

Title: One Is the Loneliest Number
Prompt: isolation/accidentally locked in
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Stargate Atlantis (Sheppard/McKay pre-slash); It’s longer and lonelier where John’s been.

Title: Heartbreak
Prompt: stalkers/serial killers
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Bones (Booth & Cam friendship); Cam doesn’t think she’s never had her heart broken quite like this.

Title: By These Wounds
Prompt: stigmata
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Supernatural (Dean/Jimmy pre-slash); Stigmata - marks corresponding to those left on Jesus’ body by the Crucifixion, said to have been impressed by divine favor. Also: the plural of the Greek word stigma, meaning a mark or brand such as might have been used for identification of an animal or slave.

Title: There Will Come Soft Rains
Prompt: stranded/survival scenario
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: SG-1 (Gen); It had been a rotten couple of weeks, beginning with getting stranded on the Prometheus, and ending with barely surviving Anubis’ drone at the beta site. Her dad’s farewell was just icing on the cake, really.

Title: Here Comes the Sun
Prompt: vampires: sun burn or poisoning
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Angel (Gen); Wolfram & Hart knows exactly how to torture a vampire.

Title: A Sound That Only You Can Hear
Prompt: loss of hearing
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: Supernatural (Dean/Castiel); Dean plays his music twice as loud now.

Title: Walking Wounded
Prompt: muscle strains and spasms
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Eureka (Jack/Nathan); Pulling a muscle is no laughing matter.

Title: Counseling the Counselor
Prompt: counseling/therapy
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: References canonical character death.
Summary: Stargate Atlantis (Gen); Who counsels the counselor?

Title: Persephone for a New Age
Prompt: unwanted superpower (sudden onset)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Supernatural (Gen); Four months out of the year; that’s the deal.

Title: Steady As She Goes
Prompt: surprise sexswap
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Stargate Atlantis (Gen); The first word that comes to mind for Evan Lorne was “steady,” so if he’s freaking out, there’s a real problem.

Title: A Little Solitude
Prompt: telepathy (always there but sudden trauma)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Supernatural (Dean/Cas); “Solitude is not measured by the miles of space that intervene between a man and his fellows.” ~Henry David Thoreau

fandom: eureka, prompt: broken bones, fandom: stargate: atlantis, r: prompt: unwanted superpower, r: prompt: isolation/accidentally locked, prompt: pandemics and epidemics, prompt: torture, r: prompt: muscle strains and spasms, prompt: kidnapping, prompt: telepathic trauma, fandom: bones, fandom: supernatural, r: prompt: counseling / therapy, prompt: de-age, r: prompt: zombie apocalypse, fandom: sanctuary, round: 1, r: prompt: stalkers / serial killers, prompt: gaslighting, prompt: stranded / survival scenario, prompt: insomnia, r: prompt: vampires, bingo: blackout, prompt: loss of hearing, r: prompt: surprise sexswap, fandom: stargate: sg-1, prompt: mental health issues, r: prompt: cuddling for warmth, [medium: fic], prompt: bruises, prompt: job-related trauma, prompt: loss of home / shelter, r: prompt: stigmata

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