BINGO: diagonal line

Jan 03, 2014 23:58

Author: prettykitty_aya
Fandoms: One Direction, Radio 1 RPF
H/C: hazing, hallucinations, wildcard - survival/stranded, coma, toothache

Title: caution: falling rocks
Fandom: one direction
Prompt: hazing
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1,090
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: blood, mild violence (off screen)
Summary: When Louis staggers into the room where Liam's sat, the first thing he sees is the blood.

Title: an unexpected trip
Fandom: one direction
Prompt: hallucinations
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1,166
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: mentions of recreational drug use
Summary: Zayn knows what Louis looks like high, what's normal for them. This is not it.

Title: and found
Fandom: one direction
Prompt: wildcard - survival/stranded
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 859
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: none
Summary: To say that Liam is surprised to find the bus gone when he comes out of the shop would be a lie.

Title: heart.beat.
Fandom: one direction
Prompt: coma
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 603
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: none
Summary: -it's been three long days of deafening silence in a cold, clinical room where the beep of the heart monitor does nothing but make one want to tear their own hair out-

Title: dolore
Fandom: one direction, radio 1 rpf
Prompt: toothache
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 672
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: none
Summary: five times a member of 1D had a toothache

prompt: toothache, fandom: rpf: music, prompt: hallucinations/illusions, bingo: straight line, [medium: fic], prompt: stranded / survival scenario, round: 4, prompt: coma, prompt: hazing/bullying

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