Bingo: Vertical Line

Dec 19, 2010 00:55

Author: insane_songbird
Fandoms: Supernatural, J2, Leverage
H/C: hookers, electrocution, accidents, seizures, broken bones

Title: Insights
Prompt: hookers
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: prostitution, implied past violence, implied past dub/con
Summary: The brick against his back was hard and cold sending a chill through the flimsy shirt that was too thin for the weather but almost too covering for the occasion. The small hairs on his body stood attention and goosebumps had formed on his skin as the sun started setting. His work day had only just begun and he ignored the icy wind that started picking up forcing himself to not curl in tightly to savor the last bit of warmth that had remained...

Title: Jolted
Prompt: electrocution
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: electrocution, illness
Summary: Dean is jolted... Literally. stamp to SPN ep1x10 'Faith'

Title: Cluster F*ck
Prompt: accidents
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: temporary character death, violence
Summary: Dean didn't mean it literally when he thought this bad breakfast might just be the death of him. To bad he's having a really bad day... repeatedly - stamp to SPN Episode 'Mystery Spot'

Title: Falling Out Of Reality
Prompt: seizures
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: absence epilepsy, seizure, illness
Summary: Jensen can feel it coming...

Title: Sticks and stones
Prompt: broken bones
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: hospitalization, broken bones
Summary: Elliot got hurt protecting his team. Not it's their turn to take care of him.

prompt: electrocution, prompt: broken bones, r: prompt: seizures, prompt: prostitution, round: 1, fandom: supernatural, bingo: straight line, [medium: fic], fandom: rpf: actors: supernatural, prompt: accidents, fandom: leverage

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