zubeneschamaliFandoms: Supernatural, SPN RPF, Pacific Rim (fusion)
H/C: severe/life-threatening illness, fever/delirium, loss of limb function, comfort food or item, hostages
TransformationsFandom: SPN RPF
Prompt: severe/life-threatening illness
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 12,768
Rating: R
Warnings: animal transformation, underage kissing (17)
Summary: Since he was a small child, Jared has had to deal with the curse of being a were. He keeps to himself and tries to get by, but all that changes when Jensen transfers to his high school. Not everyone is as accepting of weres as Jensen is, though, and Jared might need Jensen to save him in more ways than one.
The Dreams That You Dare to DreamFandom: Supernatural
Prompt: fever/delirium
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2,510
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: dubcon of the sex pollen variety
Summary: Dorothy said that the poppies in Oz were very different than the ones in the books. Charlie finds out exactly how different.
Cardinal HunterFandom: Supernatural (fusion with Pacific Rim)
Prompt: loss of limb function
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 30,290
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: canon character death, permanent disability
Summary: Saving people. Hunting kaiju. The family business. AU fusion with Pacific Rim, starting when Sam is at Stanford.
The Oak and the DragonFandom: Supernatural
Prompt: comfort food or item
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2700
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: After everything, Sam and Dean decided to stay in the bunker. And then Sam discovered an artifact in a secret room that would show each of them something about themselves they'd never known.
Zelenskia StationFandom: SPN RPF
Prompt: hostages
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2546
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: Jensen and Jared arrive at a space station for refueling, but an unexpected encounter could completely change their relationship and their future.