Bingo: Blackout (Achievements: Crosstime Saloon, Tune In, and Strange New Worlds

Nov 19, 2013 16:01

Author: arsenicjade
Fandoms: bandom, White Collar, Leverage, Magnificent 7, Suits, Star Trek: AOS, Hunger Games (books), Stargate: Atlantis, Marvel Cinematic Universe
H/C: comfort food/item, learning to be loved, heat stroke, parting ways, isolation, homesickness, sacrifice, exhaustion, family, hiding an injury/illness, headaches/migraines, hunger starvation, blood loss (wild card), abandonment, hugs, fighting, panic attacks, taking care of someone, severe/life-threatening illness, eating disorders, scars, nightmares, accidents, burns, forced to participate in hurtful/illegal activity

Title: Bright, Sun-shiney Day
Fandom: bandom/White Collar
Prompt: heat stroke
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2370
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of child abuse and neglect
Summary: Gee and Neal's first meeting.

Title: The Red Sea
Fandom: bandom/White Collar
Prompt: parting ways
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1660
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Mikey can handle bad food and mean kids, but not being away from Gee.

Title: A Drink With Jam and Bread
Fandom: White Collar/Bandom/Leverage
Prompt: comfort food/item
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 3156
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Tea fixes everything.

Title: Cradle Will Fall
Fandom: White Collar/Bandom/Leverage
Prompt: blood loss (wild card)
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2006
Rating: G
Warnings: medical themes
Summary: Ryan falls out of the tree on Peter's watch.

Title: Simple Word
Fandom: bandom, mentions of White Collar and Leverage
Prompt: sacrifice
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1937
Rating: G
Warnings: slight allusions to underage prostitution, references to child abuse
Summary: Ryan might not be good enough to keep the others safe, but he's not going to stop trying.

Title: Person, Place or Thing
Fandom: Bandom/White Collar
Prompt: homesickness
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1986
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Spencer had a home, once.

Title: America Runs on Dunkin'
Fandom: Bandom/White Collar
Prompt: exhaustion
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 3841
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Brendon can take care of himself.

Title: Misinterpretation
Fandom: Leverage/White Collar/Bandom
Prompt: family
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2246
Rating: G
Warnings: past child abuse
Summary: Parker has always known that she was a mistake.

Title: Just a Cold
Fandom: Leverage/White Collar/Mag 7
Prompt: hiding an injury/illness
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2225
Rating: G
Warnings: medical procedures
Summary: Eliot's feeling a little under the weather, but it's no big deal.

Title: Stress Fracture
Fandom: Mag 7, mentions of White Collar and Leverage
Prompt: headaches/migraines
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2473
Rating: PG
Warnings: child abuse
Summary: Asking for help has never gotten Vin anywhere.

Title: Hollow Your Bones
Fandom: Mag 7/White Collar
Prompt: hunger/starvation
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2783
Rating: R
Warnings: child abuse, child neglect, child death
Summary: Ezra has survival skills and if that is all he has, well, he'll make it work.

Title: Practice Makes Perfect
Fandom: Suits, allusions to White Collar
Prompt: hugs
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1795
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Mike's a giver.

Title: Some Extra, Just For You
Fandom: White Collar/Mag 7
Prompt: abandonment
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1911
Rating: G
Warnings: discussion of child death
Summary: There's not much that can scare Sara, but parenting does the trick.

Title: Detention
Fandom: Star Trek: AOS, allusions to White Collar and Leverage
Prompt: fighting
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1892
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Nyota doesn't like to fight, but she will if she's backed into a corner.

Title: Just Time Away
Fandom: Star Trek: AOS, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: TNG
Prompt: panic attacks
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2258
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Nyota is extended a great opportunity. She's not sure it's worth the trade-off.

Title: Seeding and Pinching
Fandom: Star Trek: AOS, minor MCU, Hunger Games and SGA
Prompt: taking care of someone
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2105
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Hikaru is really good at taking care of things, given the chance.

Title: This Is How a Heart Breaks
Fandom: MCU/Hunger Games/SGA
Prompt: severe/life-threatening illness
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 3240
Rating: G
Warnings: past torture, medical procedures
Summary: Tony's body just isn't what it was...before.

Title: One Peanut
Fandom: Hunger Games/MCU/Leverage
Prompt: eating disorders
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2969
Rating: G
Warnings: see prompt
Summary: It takes Finn a while to figure out the difference between some harmless hoarding, and what he's doing.

Title: Unashamed
Fandom: Hunger Games/MCU/SGA
Prompt: scars
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2433
Rating: G
Warnings: past child abuse
Summary: Prom is a rite of passage, or something.

Title: The Nighttide Demon
Fandom: Hunger Games/MCU
Prompt: nightmares
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1915
Rating: G
Warnings: mentions of child death
Summary: Jo and Finn were never Kat's to keep.

Title: Spilled Milk
Fandom: Gundam Wing, mentions of SGA
Prompt: accidents
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2172
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Duo's kind of a klutz.

Title: Piece of Work
Fandom: Gundam Wing/MCU
Prompt: burns
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 3060
Rating: R
Warnings: branding, child abuse, human experimentation
Summary: Heero's mostly human. Like, 95% or so.

Title: The Thing That Makes it Worth the Journeying
Fandom: SGA, mentions of Hunger Games
Prompt: isolation
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1717
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: child abandonment, child abuse, child death
Summary: Ronon wasn't raised by wolves: wolves have a sense of pack.

Title: Team Free Will
Fandom: MCU, mentions of White Collar and Leverage
Prompt: forced to participate in illegal/hurtful activity
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2886
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: child abuse/programming
Summary: Tasha's decisions have never carried much weight.

Title: Like a Clown Whose Tears Cause Laughter
Fandom: MCU, mentions of White Collar and Mag 7
Prompt: learning to be loved
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 4725
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: child abuse, child neglect
Summary: Possession is nine-tenths of the law, but there's still that last tenth.

fandom: magnificent seven, prompt: hunger / starvation, fandom: stargate: atlantis, fandom: marvel: movies (mcu), prompt: abandonment issues, round: 4, prompt: learning to be loved, prompt: accidents, prompt: hiding an injury / illness, fandom: hunger games, prompt: blood loss, prompt: panic attacks, prompt: comfort food or item, prompt: forced to participate in illegal, prompt: nightmares, fandom: white collar, prompt: sacrifice, prompt: exhaustion, prompt: isolation, fandom: rpf: music: bandom, prompt: heat exhaustion/heat stroke, r: prompt: parting ways, prompt: family, fandom: star trek: aos, prompt: homesickness, fandom: leverage, prompt: headaches / migraines, bingo: blackout, prompt: fighting, fandom: suits, prompt: taking care of somebody, [medium: fic], prompt: hugs, prompt: scars, prompt: burns, prompt: eating disorders

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