Bingo: Horizontal Line

Aug 06, 2013 15:21

Author: arsenicjade
Fandoms: Avengers (2012), Harry Potter, Leverage
H/C: branding, rape/non-con, whipping, cages and cuddling for warmth

I just want to add a shout out to every person who sponsored one of these squares. Together, this bingo raised $150 toward the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. You guys are awesome!

Title: Putting Out Fires
Fandom: Avengers (2012)
Prompt: branding
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 4,084
Rating: R
Warnings: torture
Summary: The Avengers make one hell of a Collector's Set.

Title: Memory Alley
Fandom: Harry Potter
Prompt: rape/non-con
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1,835
Rating: R
Warnings: rape/non-con
Summary: Sending his oldest off to school brings up memories Draco would prefer to forget. (Part of the Origins of Myth 'verse.)

Title: Not the Job
Fandom: Leverage
Prompt: whipping
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 2,571
Rating: R
Warnings: discussions of human slavery
Summary: If someone is infiltrating a human trade ring, it's going to be Eliot. Period.

Title: Spatial Awareness
Fandom: Avengers (2012)
Prompt: cages
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 4,969
Rating: R
Warnings: torture
Summary: Clint doesn't mind small spaces. He just wants to be able to get out of them.

Title: 98.6
Fandom: Avengers (2012)
Prompt: cuddling for warmth
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 3,357
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Clint hates being cold.

fandom: marvel: movies (mcu), bingo: straight line, r: prompt: cuddling for warmth, prompt: cages, [medium: fic], round: 4, fandom: harry potter, fandom: leverage, prompt: branding

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