EXTRAS: 9 Cross-squares, 2 Postage stamps, 1 Straight line, 1 '25 in 1' + 200 benchmarks

Jan 04, 2013 08:02

Author: meatball42
Fandoms Written: Doctor Who x1, Firefly x1, Leverage x1, NCIS x1, RPF/Meta x1, Sherlock x1, Torchwood x3. Recced: See below.
H/C: Insomnia, Abandonment issues, Surprise sexswap, Phobias, Electrocution, Restrained, Sacrifice, Lost childhood, Septicemia/Infected wounds, Theft, Parting ways, Nightmares, Wild Card: Trust Issues, Sex pollen, Panic attacks, Lacerations/Knife wounds, Group support, Sensory deprivation, Imprisonment, Unwanted transformation, Loss of identity, Difficult pregnancy, Magical trouble, Cuddling for warmth, Depression.

Link to my Bingo Card.
The benchmarks are Even the Most Rambling Paths Leads to Rome (10k+) and Love on the Campus of Dragons 10k+)

Title: Even the Most Rambling Paths Leads to Rome
Fandom: Sherlock
Prompts: Abandonment issues and Nightmares
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 10,037 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Major spoilers for The Reichenbach Fall
Summary: After she helps Sherlock fake his death, Molly finds it difficult to look John in the eye. She tries, though, and finds that he’s not at all what she thought he was, and maybe, just maybe, she isn’t either.

Title: The Truth About Gifts
Fandom: Leverage
Prompts: Restrained and Lost childhood
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 1,202 words
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Parker’s trying to figure out the perfect Christmas present.

Title: Cycles of Expediency
Fandom: Torchwood
Prompts: Sacrifice and Septicemia/Infected wounds
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 1,453 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Violence, acute bodily harm, 'Torchwood character death.'
Summary: A night at Torchwood...

Title What Hurts the Most
Fandom: Common Law
Prompts: Sacrific and Group support
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 741 words
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Wes shares his feelings with the group.

Title Calling Card, or Something To Remember Me By
Fandom: Torchwood
Prompts: Nightmares and Difficult pregnancy
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 744 words
Rating: PG
Warnings: Bloody creepiness, but see the rating, not too bad. Big spoilers for Something Borrowed, then just the giant plot points of Exit Wounds, CoE days 4 and 5.
Summary: On the day of her wedding, something comes to take Gwen's baby.

Title: Love on the Campus of Dragons
Fandom: Merlin
Prompts: Wild Card: Confession in a desperate situation and Magical Trouble
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 10,185 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit sex, swears
Summary: The golden age of the fencers of Camelot University may have come to an end as a betrayal rocks their foundations. Can Merlin bring them back together? Or will another secret tear him apart as well?

Title Black Blood
Fandom: Firefly
Prompts: Group support and Imprisonment
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 851 words
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers vaguely for the whole series, none for the movie
Summary: All I ever wanted was to fly.

Title Unmasked
Fandom: Torchwood
Prompts: Sensory deprivation and Unwanted transformation
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 1,664 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sensory deprivation of a sexual nature, bit of pain mixed in with explicit sex, spoilers for that one scene in To the Last Man and a little bit for Last of the Time Lords.
Summary: For one night, Jack lets himself go. Part of Playtime ies.

Title Mood Swings and Midnight Cravings
Fandom: Torchwood
Prompts: Difficult pregnancy and Cuddling for warmth
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 874 words
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Jack hasn’t been the nicest person the last few months. Has he finally crossed the line?

Title Valley of Shadow
Fandom: NCIS
Prompts: Insomnia, Abandonment issues, Restrained and Sacrifice
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 627 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: References to torture and torturey situations. Spoilers for the season 6 last few episodes and the season 7 premier.
Summary: Ziva is alone.

Title The Shadow
Fandom: Doctor Who
Prompts: Restrained, Sacrifice, Parting ways and Nightmares
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 624 words
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers fro The Last of the Time Lords
Summary: She would open her mouth to call out to them, or to whisper, and would close it again, the silence around her undisturbed by her presence.’

Title Don’t Even Read This Story
Fandom: Original/RPF/Meta
Prompts: Loss of identity, Difficult pregnancy, Magical trouble, Cuddling for warmth and Depression
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 694 words
Rating: T
Warnings: See title. Also, spoilers for Breaking Dawn, of Twilight fame, and Torchwood season 1 episode 13, End of Time.
Summary: You think I'm kidding with the title, you think it's funny. It's not. It's very serious.

Title (Not-So-)Happy Fandoms
Fandom: CSI: New York x1, Doctor Who x7, Glee x1, Jeeves and Wooster x1, Leverage x3, Merlin x5, NCIS x1, Psych x2, Royal Pains x1, Sherlock x2, Torchwood x27, White Collar x2
Prompts: Insomnia, Abandonment issues, Surprise sexswap, Phobias, Electrocution, Restrained, Sacrifice, Lost childhood, Septicemia/Infected wounds, Theft, Parting ways, Nightmares, Wild Card: Job-related trauma, Sex pollen, Panic attacks, Lacerations/Knife wounds, Group support, Sensory deprivation, Imprisonment, Unwanted transformation, Loss of identity, Difficult pregnancy, Magical trouble, Cuddling for warmth, Depression.
Medium: Recs post
Size: 50 recs
Rating: Includes G - NC-17
Warnings: See individual authors' warnings
Summary: I really made an effort to only rec stories I love in addition to stories that filled the prompts. I hope you enjoy!

Mods, could I please have fandom tags for Jeeves and Wooster and Royal Pains? :)

prompt: electrocution, fandom: csi: new york, bonus: 25-in-1, prompt: unwanted transformation, prompt: abandonment issues, prompt: lost childhood, fandom: royal pains, fandom: jeeves and wooster, r: prompt: theft, prompt: restrained, prompt: phobias, prompt: difficult/unexpected pregnancy, prompt: panic attacks, fandom: original, fandom: white collar, prompt: nightmares, fandom: firefly, prompt: septicemia / infected wounds, prompt: sensory deprivation, prompt: sacrifice, fandom: merlin, fandom: glee, prompt: lacerations / knife wounds, round: 3, fandom: sherlock (bbc), prompt: depression, r: prompt: parting ways, prompt: imprisonment, fandom: torchwood, prompt: magical trouble, fandom: ncis, prompt: insomnia, fandom: psych, fandom: leverage, extra: straight line, prompt: trust issues, prompt: group support, fandom: doctor who, prompt: sex pollen, r: prompt: cuddling for warmth, [medium: fic], extra: postage stamp, extra: cross square, prompt: job-related trauma

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