Bingo: black out

Jan 03, 2013 13:55

Author: kittys_devil
Fandoms: Adam Lambert, Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter, Glamnation, Teen Wolf, Jack Strify (Cinema Bizarre)
H/C: undeserved reputation, cuddles, learning to be loved, confession in desperate situation, stalkers, poltergeist, dungeons, forced to rely on enemy / rival, eating disorders, isolation, severe / life-threatening illness, tyranny / rebellion, making deals with demons, loss of identity, loss of home / shelter, unconsciousness, asphyxiation, cuddling for warmth, planet destruction, falsely imprisoned, parting ways, extortion, forced to hurt somebody, pandemics and epidemics, apocalypse

Title: I’ll find you when the sun goes black
Fandom: Adam Lambert, Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter
Prompt: undeserved reputation
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 10,000
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: mentions of rape and abuse, violence, non-con, slavery
Summary: Tommy and Isaac thought their destinies were decided from the time they were born. When the leader of The Syndicate was called upon, things changed in a way neither of them expected, altering their lives forever.

Title: Soothe my soul
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter
Prompt: cuddling
Medium: art
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: Love stinks
Fandom: Bandom, My Chemical Romance
Prompt: learning to be loved
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 4000
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Summary: Love didn't exist, relationships never worked and nothing was going to change Frank's mind. Until Frank gave up, Mikey got engaged and Gerard showed up late to a fitting.

Title: Coping alone
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter
Prompt: confessions in a desperate situation
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 600
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: anxiety/panic attacks
Summary: Why did Isaac have to be half way across the world right now?

Title: Shadow Stalkers
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff
Prompt: stalker
Medium: art
Rating: M
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: Ghost of the past
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff
Prompt: poltergeist
Medium: art
Rating: M
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: Nexus
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter, My Chemical Romance cameo
Prompt: dungeons
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 8800
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence, fighting, death of a minor character
Summary: Born as Gamma wolves Tommy and Isaac were going to be warriors. When Isaac discovered a hidden talent and Tommy disappeared everything changed in a way they never expected.

Title: Allies
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Prompt: Forced to rely on an enemy
Medium: art
Rating: M
Summary: none

Title: I’ll stop when I’m perfect
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff
Prompt: eating disorder
Medium: art
Rating: M
Warnings: eating disorder
Summary: none

Title: Need for Community
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Adam Lambert, Isaac Carpenter, Glamnation
Prompt: isolation
Medium: art
Rating: M
Warnings: allusions to depression
Summary: none

Title: Keep my heart
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter
Prompt: sever/life threatening illness
Medium: art
Rating: M
Warnings: allusions to major character death
Summary: none

Title: Myself
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff
Prompt: tyranny/rebellion
Medium: art
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: A Deal for Divinity
Fandom: Adam Lambert, Tommy Joe Ratliff
Prompt: Wild Card: deals with demons
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1100
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Summary: Tommy says he would do anything to play guitar for a living, but when it really comes down to it will he give his passion up for something even better?

Title: Fighting for my identity
Fandom: Jack Strify (Cinema Bizzare)
Prompt: loss of idendity
Medium: art
Rating: PG
Warnings: allusions to character harm
Summary: none

Title: Warmth of the fire
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter
Prompt: loss of shelter/home
Medium: art
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: More Human
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Prompt: unconscious
Medium: art
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: Heal the breath
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter
Prompt: asphyxiation
Medium: icon
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: breathplay, asphyxiation, abuse

Title: Sometimes
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter
Prompt: cuddling for warmth
Medium: art
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: Perish in the attempt
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff
Prompt: planet destruction
Medium: art
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: Fears of Mortals
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff
Prompt: falsely imprisoned
Medium: art
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: Pulled by the world
Fandom: Isaac Carpenter, Tommy Joe Ratliff
Prompt: parting ways
Medium: art
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: A choice
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter
Prompt: extortion
Medium: art
Rating: Pg-13
Warnings: none
Summary: none

Title: Take Me
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Prompt: forced to hurt somebody
Medium: art
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: character death, self harm
Summary: none

Title: If only…
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Isaac Carpenter
Prompt: pandemics and epidemics
Medium: art
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: allusion to character death
Summary: none

Title: Zombie Attack
Fandom: Tommy Joe Ratliff
Prompt: apocalypse
Medium: art
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: none

prompt: isolation, fandom: rpf: music, r: prompt: parting ways, prompt: deals with demons, [medium: art], prompt: extortion, prompt: tyranny / rebellion, r: prompt: poltergeist, prompt: pandemics and epidemics, prompt: learning to be loved, prompt: undeserved reputation, fandom: american idol, prompt: cuddling, prompt: forced to hurt somebody, bingo: blackout, prompt: dungeons, prompt: unconsciousness, r: prompt: cuddling for warmth, [medium: fic], prompt: stalkers, prompt: falsely accused, prompt: apocalypse, prompt: loss of identity, prompt: loss of home / shelter, prompt: eating disorders, prompt: asphyxiation, prompt: forced to rely on enemy / rival, fandom: teen wolf, round: 3

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