iavalir (
My card) (second card)
Fandoms: Silmarillion, Sherlock, Lord of the Rings (movie trilogy)
H/C: moving, rape/non-con, wildcard/blood loss, hunger/starvation, tyranny/rebellion
To The Heart That’s Coming Home + 150 points
Fandom: Lord of the Rings/Silmarillion
Prompt: moving
Medium: fanmix + story
Wordcount: 20 songs + 1,220-word story
Rating: General
Warnings: depression/hints of insanity
Dark Wish Fandom: Silmarillion
Prompt: rape/non-con
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 900
Rating: R
Warnings: Contains rape.
Beautiful in Blood Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Prompt: wildcard/ blood loss
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 705
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Mention of canon character death, near-attempted suicide, blood play
51 Icons: Torment and Starvation in The Silmarillion + 100 points
Fandom: Silmarillion
Prompt: hunger/starvation
Medium: icons
Rating: General/Teen
Warnings: artwork depicting torment/emaciated bodies
100 Icons: Lord of the Rings “Terrible Kings and Great Rebels” + 150 points
Fandom: Lord of the Rings movie trilogy
Prompt: tyranny/rebellion
Medium: icons
Rating: General
Warnings: seizure warning - contains animated gifs