BINGO: blackout + EXTRAS: 3 postage stamps.

Aug 19, 2012 15:56

Author: amor_remanet ( first card).
Fandoms: Adeptus Evangelion (Neon Genesis Evangelion & Warhammer 40K), Community, Doctor Who (2005), Glee, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Sailor Moon, Supernatural, Supernatural RPF, Star Trek (TOS and Deep Space Nine), Teen Wolf, White Collar RPF.

H/C: unexpected pregnancy, job-related trauma, blackmail, dungeons, experiments by evil scientists, major illness, loss of limb/limb function, loss of hearing, hiding an injury/illness, medication, difficult pregnancy, deprogramming, wild card (learning to be loved), nightmares, runaways, serial killers, disappearing, torture, pneumonia, trapped between realities, grief, mistaken identity, theft, prostitution, toothache, wild card (body image issues).

Title: Like the ticking hands on the radium clock.
Fandom: Supernatural; Dean/Castiel.
Prompt: unexpected pregnancy.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: G - NC-17
Word Count: ~14,325.
Warnings: Apple pie modern-setting AU. Rule 63/gender-bending AU (FAAB trans*!Cas). Discussion of cissexism, trans*phobia, bigotry, body image issues & eating disorders; some use of slurs, quoting their original users. Mpreg, hurt/comfort, and angst.
Summary: As the symptoms mount, as they get harder and harder to deny, Cas holds on to only one truth: he's not pregnant.
Also Posted At: livejournal; includes the fill for, "nightmares."

Title: Richard Siken Can Bite Me.
Fandom: Supernatural; Dean/Castiel.
Prompt: job-related trauma.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~2,700.
Warnings: POTENTIAL TRIGGERS (eating disorders, depression, & references to child abuse). Wonky second-person narration.
Summary: But aside from that? You're just not hungry. You've got no desire, that you can feel, to eat anything. Still, you pick up the burger because that's what a normal, well-balanced person would do. (Dean's thought processes during "My Bloody Valentine.")
Also Posted At: livejournal.

Title: Untitled (icon post).
Fandom: Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Prompt: blackmail.
Medium: Icons.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 116 gen icons (2 Madoka/Homura).
Warnings: Some of the icons feature blood, gore, body horror. One features sexual contact between two characters.

Title: Family is a sentence.
Fandom: Supernatural.
Prompt: dungeons.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~5,900.
Warnings: Mpreg. Depictions/discussion of trans*phobic bigotry; use of trans*phobic slurs. Depictions/discussions of eating disorders, body image issues, gender dysphoria. Intentionally triggering behavior.
Summary: "The reality of the situation is that there is a bigger picture here," Cas tells Dean without looking up from the table. "The reality of our situation is that we likely don't have the financial means to support a child. And that I am almost twenty-eight, and in graduate school, and pregnant instead of transitioning, as I need to be, and I simply do not have the psychological means to continue with this pregnancy-"

(In which, after settling things with Dean, Cas tries to tell some of his not-Anna siblings that he's pregnant, not planning on keeping the baby, and needs some kind of a support network. This goes about as well as can be expected, which is to say, "overall terribly.")

Title: The Understanding That I Never Wanted.
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005/Nu!Who); Dalek Caan/Dalek Sek.
Prompt: experiments by evil scientists.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~1,080.
Warnings: References to character death.
Summary: Dalek Caan doesn't understand until it seems too late. Until everything's been lost and xie's fallen into the Time War, through the Untempered Schism…

Title: In Quarter Tones To Ten.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF; Jensen/Misha.
Prompt: major illness.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: NC-17.
Word Count: ~36,330.
Warnings: Psychological horror. Dark comedy. Vampire AU. Explicit sex (DUB-CON; anal penetration, guro/grotesque eroticization, danger!kink, death!kink, breathplay, some D/s; bottom!sub!Misha). SEVERAL POTENTIAL TRIGGERS, including: eating disorders, mental health issues, self-harm, suicidal ideation, body horror, character death; link goes to fic masterpost, which has a longer, more detailed list of specific warnings.
Summary: What sort of person would want a partner like a vampire? Actively enjoy the constant threat of getting turned into a significant other's lunch? …well, Misha can't say for anybody else, but since he's included on this list, he's going to guess that, "seriously unbalanced" is one of the big prerequisites.
Also Posted At: AO3.

Title: Out Of The Void.
Fandom: Supernatural; Meg/Castiel.
Prompt: loss of limb/limb function.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~2,125.
Warnings: Non-linear narrative. Non-sexual dubious consent (regarding the relationships between angels, demons, and their vessels).
Summary: It's nothing Meg would wish on anyone. Not even Crowley. Not even the lowest of his thralls. Empty vessels wrack a demon with chills. …The emptiness must be ten times worse for angels.

Title: Underlying Causes.
Fandom: crossover (Supernatural/Star Trek TOS); Dean/Cas & Spock/Kirk/Bones.
Prompt: loss of hearing.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~4,800.
Warnings: Angst. Discussion of and references to past child abuse (physical, emotional, psychological). Depictions/discussions of mental health issues.
Summary: Jim can't just leave well enough alone. Jim can't just accept that Dean's in sickbay because he's been acting like an idiot for the past two, maybe three weeks-there has to be some kind of reason for his behavior. There has to be something to explain why he's refusing to let himself sleep that much (if he ever gets relaxed enough to try), taking everybody else's shifts when he should go back to his or Cas's quarters for a nap, running on caffeine and adrenaline and skipping enough meals that people other than Cas have noticed-having no appetite that would make bothering with them worth it. And of course, the reason can't just be that Dean's sick or something.

Title: Untitled (icon post).
Fandom: Glee, Supernatural, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
Prompt: hiding an injury/illness.
Medium: Icons.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 152 icons (Pinkie Pie, Quinn Fabray, Layla Rourke, Dean Winchester; a few are Quinn/Santana, Gabriel/Lucifer, and Dean/Alastair).
Warnings: several of the icons feature Dean drinking whisky straight from the bottle, with implications of alcoholism. the Dean/Alastair icons depict scenes of torture.

Title: The Heat Or The Pressure.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF; Misha/Vicki.
Prompt: medication.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: NC-17.
Word Count: 11,268.
Warnings: AU (alpha/beta/omega; high school setting). Asexual!submissive!Omega!Misha. Masturbation. Explicit sex (first time, vaginal intercourse, fingering, light D/s play, mild dub-con). References to acephobia & allosexism ("the attitude or bias that favours sexual people and relationships"; source), misogyny, and designationism (oppression based on alpha/beta/omega dynamics; coded in ways that resemble real-world heterosexism, cissexism, allosexism, etc). Depictions of internalized oppression & use of slurs.
Summary: It's better to be submissive if you're a Beta. It's better to be underwhelmed by the idea of sex if you're a Beta. It's better to have no idea if you even understand attraction or love or anything else in the first place if you're a Beta. Unfortunately for Misha, no amount of wanting to be normal can change the inconveniently obvious facts of his life: he's an Omega, his girlfriend is an Alpha, and the only word he knows for himself is, "freak."

In which high school sucks, first heat cycles really suck, and possibly being kinky without being attracted to anyone or especially into the idea of sex? Really, really sucks.
Also Posted At: livejournal.

Title: Postmodern Pre-Natal Emotional Revelations 218.
Fandom: Community; Jeff & Shirley.
Prompt: difficult pregnancy.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~1,000.
Warnings: Angst. Depictions/discussion of eating disorders, food and body image issues.
Summary: For the third day in a row, Jeff shows up to the library study room early. …Mostly, it's because of Shirley.

Title: Manufactured.
Fandom: Adeptus Evangelion (Neon Genesis Evangelion/Warhammer 40K crossover).
Prompt: deprogramming.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~1,780.
Warnings: Angst; depictions/discussion of mental health issues. Stream of consciousness character study.
Summary: You were… designed. At the genetic level. You are the best of those we have built… Tanya sighs, worms around inside her plug, trying to find some new position, a more comfortable one, still wishing that she could just merge with Cernobog since she isn't a real person anyway.

Title: Five Times Rose Tyler Felt Loved.
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005/Nu!Who); Rose/various.
Prompt: wild card ("learning to be loved").
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~5,700.
Warnings: Some divergence from canon. Some angst, some hurt/comfort, some flirting, some teasing. All-around self-indulgent feel-good fic.
Summary: This fic does exactly what it says on the tin.
Also Posted At: livejournal.

Title: There is a crack in everything (that's how the light gets in).
Fandom: Supernatural; Dean/Castiel.
Prompt: nightmares.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: G - NC-17
Word Count: ~1,825.
Warnings: Apple pie modern-setting AU. Rule 63/gender-bending AU (FAAB trans*!Cas). Mpreg. Angsty schmoop. In the same series as, "Like the ticking hands on the radium clock"; meant to be read before said fic, but easily stands on its own.
Summary: Nothing Cas is thinking really helps him all that much, never mind getting him back to sleep. It charges to the forefront of Cas's mind because he's tired and because he can't stop knocking his breasts around in the wrong way. Because they won't calm down or stop aching.

Title: Bleed Through.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF; Misha/RSJ.
Prompt: runaways.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: G - NC-17
Word Count: ~2,530.
Warnings: Angsty schmoop (anxiety, character bleed, comfort snuggling).
Summary: Misha's an intense actor, and when his favorite boyfriend makes his return to the Supernatural set, Misha finds it difficult to separate his own feelings from Castiel's.

Title: All King David's Children.
Fandom: Supernatural; Castiel & Lucifer.
Prompt: serial killers.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~1,890.
Warnings: Apple pie modern-setting AU. Rule 63/gender-bending AU (FAAB trans*!Cas & MAAB trans*!Lucifer). Discussion of trans*phobia and homophobia; use of trans*phobic and homophobic slurs. Backstory to the series that includes, "Like the ticking hands on the radium clock" and, "There is a crack in everything…"
Summary: Luci expects one of her siblings to notice. She expects one of them to come after her and beg her not to leave. She just never expects it to be Cas.

Title: Untitled (icon post).
Fandom: Teen Wolf.
Prompt: disappearing.
Medium: Icons.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 104 Icons (Derek, Kate, and Allison from "Formality"; mostly gen, but some feature Derek/Kate).
Warnings: Some icons feature depictions of torture.

Title: Don't Even Bother.
Fandom: Supernatural; Dean/Castiel.
Prompt: torture.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~4,500.
Warnings: Apple pie college AU, genderqueer!Dean. Chubby!Dean & chubby!Cas; pear-shaped boys. Some mild hurt/comfort and talk about body image issues, gender dysphoria, feedism, sex and D/s sexuality. A few mentions of Dean's panties-kink. Kink without plot.
Summary: Most days? Dean can start leaking in his satiny panties, just from the thought of gaining more weight, just from looking at old Facebook photos and thinking of how much bigger he is now. But most days don't involve anything that's happened so far today.
Also Posted At: AO3; includes, "Pay It No Mind," the fill for, "toothache."

Title: All Things Must Pass (but is it cool if I hang on to this one?)
Fandom: Glee; Blaine/Jesse.
Prompt: pneumonia.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~3270.
Warnings: Some angst, some schmoop, domestic-flavored sick!fic.
Summary: In which Jesse is sick, Blaine stays home to play Mother Hen, and Jesse accidentally realizes that this might not be that bad, after all.

Title: Advanced Studies In The History of Infinity Knight Curses.
Fandom: Community; Abed/Evil Abed.
Prompt: trapped between realities.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: 1,765.
Warnings: Angst. Mental health issues (Asperger's Syndrome, anxiety, intentional triggering). Dub-con sexualized contact; Dom/sub undertones and bad BDSM etiquette.
Summary: Abed refuses to admit that he's begging Evil Abed for anything. He would never beg Evil Abed for anything. Evil Abed can impose himself on Abed's alone time, but he can't have Abed's dignity.

Title: Cicatrix.
Fandom: Teen Wolf; Derek/Isaac.
Prompt: grief.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: G - NC-17
Word Count:
Warnings: Hurt/comfort. Some angst; oblique references to past child abuse and self-harm. General season two spoilers (set vaguely early season, before "Venomous"; with explicit spoilers through, "Ice Pick").
Summary: Running with Derek Hale's pack means running with a family-or at least, that's how he puts it to Isaac. …And it's not that Isaac doubts this or doubts Derek; it's just that he has more than enough experience with disappointment.
Also Posted At: livejournal.

Title: Logic Puzzles.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF; Misha & Vicki.
Prompt: mistaken identity.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~2,330.
Warnings: AU (alpha/beta/omega; otherwise unaltered modern setting). Asexual!submissive!Omega!Misha. References to acephobia & allosexism ("the attitude or bias that favours sexual people and relationships"; source)
Summary: "I hate having to be the bigger person about this shit. Why can't I just headbutt him and have him immediately understand everything I'm talking about when I say that I'm ace?"
Also Posted At: livejournal.

Title: " What if Sailor Moon worked with Madoka's rules for magical girls?"
Fandom: Sailor Moon/Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Prompt: theft.
Medium: Meta.
Rating: G - NC-17
Word Count: 4,165.
Warnings: SPOILERS for the entire PMMM anime. Discussion of non-sexual dubious consent, abuse of teenage girls' trust, mental health issues.
Summary: A rather long-form response to the question of just how dark and unpleasant the Sailor Moon universe would be, if it worked using Puella Magi Madoka Magica's rules for magical girls.
Also Posted At: tumblr.

Title: Different, ADJ.
Fandom: Supernatural RPF/White Collar RPF; Misha/Matt Bomer.
Prompt: prostitution.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~3,340.
Warnings: AU (alpha/beta/omega; college setting). Asexual!submissive!Omega!Misha. Discussion of misogyny and designationism (A/B/O oppression modeled after and coded to resemble real-world oppressive systems).
Summary: Two huge things happen during the lead-up to Misha's freshman year at Singer. Firstly, he and Vicki break up. …They're still best friends, and they're both going west for school, but it really doesn't seem right for them to stay bound to each other. Not when they'll be in different states. Not when they want different things out of a relationship. Breaking up makes sense. It's almost perfunctory.

Secondly, Misha meets one, Matt Bomer.

Title: Pay It No Mind.
Fandom: Supernatural; Dean Castiel.
Prompt: toothache.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: NC-17.
Word Count: ~10,460.
Warnings: Apple pie college AU, genderqueer!Dean. Chubby/obese!Dean & chubby/obese!Cas; pear-shaped boys. Mutual weight gain, numbers kink!Dean. Some hurt/comfort and talk about gender dysphoria, feedism & stuffing, anxiety, depression. Kink without much plot. Explicit, non-penetrative sex (some D/s play with dom/top!Cas, grinding & rough body play with some squashing!kink, belly-fucking, painplay, some cum-play, very literal bed-breaking).
Summary: The problem with what Cas wants, though, is that he forgot to plan for being at school-something even Dean took into account in deciding not to beat himself up too much over his gaining or potential lack thereof.

Title: Even As I Have Been Fully Known.
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Bashir/Changeling!Bashir.
Prompt: postage stamp: dungeons, experiments by evil scientists, hiding an injury/illness, medication.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: PG-13.
Word Count: ~5,120.
Warnings: Angst (self-induced loneliness). Hostage situation setting.
Summary: The Changeling's sigh is heavy, exhausted, the sort that Julian saves for after one of his impossibly long shifts, or arguing with an exceedingly uncooperative patient. "But I couldn't let you go where you're headed without attempting to offer you something comforting… Without trying to reach out to you and cure this loneliness that… Well, I, for one, would have thought it impossible until I assumed your form."

Title: Twenty-One To Zip (Doctor, Doctor, Gimme the News).
Fandom: Supernatural; Dean/Doctor Sexy.
Prompt: postage stamp: WILD CARD (body image issues), nightmares, torture, pneumonia.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: R.
Word Count: ~8,000.
Warnings: "Doctor Sexy is real"/medical AU. Chubby!Dean and chubby!kink (weight gain, numbers kink, closet FA!Doctor Sexy; repressed feeder!Dean). D/s play and undertones (bratty sub!Dean). Humiliation kink (verbal, situational; medical exam setting/a smidge of medical kink; teasing at/picking on Dean's weight and intelligence, use of feminine nicknames). Hurt/comfort (some body image issues; self-induced kink- and fat-shaming). Kink without plot.
Summary: Doctor Dean Winchester has pneumonia, but can't write his own prescription. Doctor Sexy happens to be one of the physicians on call this morning, and he just can't make this any easier for his favorite junior Attending. Dean wouldn't really like it if he did, anyway.
Also Posted At: AO3.

Title: Compromise, or: The Disappointing Fathers Club.
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Bashir/Garak/Ziyal.
Prompt: postage stamp: serial killers, disappearing, grief, mistaken identity.
Medium: Fic.
Rating: G.
Word Count: 1,865.
Warnings: Angst (regarding parent/child relationships, childhood medical procedures).
Summary: "It's always the very last moment when parents can choose to surprise you, isn't it."
"It isn't guaranteed that the surprise will be a pleasant one, though. It could be a surprise that lets you down, instead."

(mods, could I get fandom tags for Sailor Moon, Deep Space Nine, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Warhammer 40K, Madoka, and My Little Pony?)

fandom: adeptus evangelion, prompt: experiments by evil scientists, prompt: grief, fandom: rpf: actors: supernatural, fandom: neon genesis evangelion, prompt: learning to be loved, prompt: medication, r: prompt: theft, [medium: icons], prompt: hiding an injury / illness, prompt: toothache, prompt: difficult/unexpected pregnancy, prompt: brainwashing/deprogramming, prompt: nightmares, fandom: supernatural, r: prompt: trapped between realities, fandom: glee, prompt: major illness or injury, fandom: my little pony, r: prompt: disappearing, fandom: teen wolf, fandom: puella magi madoka magica, prompt: loss of limb/amputation/mutilati, round: 3, prompt: prostitution, prompt: runaways, fandom: rpf: actors, fandom: star trek: tos, prompt: pneumonia, prompt: mistaken identity, fandom: warhammer 40k, [medium: meta], prompt: dungeons, bingo: blackout, fandom: doctor who, prompt: loss of hearing, fandom: star trek: deep space nine, [medium: fic], extra: postage stamp, prompt: blackmail, prompt: job-related trauma, prompt: body image issues, prompt: serial killers, fandom: sailor moon, fandom: community

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