BINGO: Border

Sep 19, 2010 17:48

Author: hyperemmalawlz
Fandoms: Glee, Veronica Mars
H/C: Pining (confession in desperate situation), telepathy (always there, but sudden trauma), slaves (sexual), lacerations/knife wounds, mpreg (regular), child abuse (physical), sore muscles, old school medical treatment, spinal injury, child abuse (emotional), amnesia, post-apocalypse, loss of voice, orphans and runaways, blood loss, nausea.

Title: This River is Wild
Prompt: Pining (confession in desperate situation).
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, het, slash, angst.
Summary: Puck's not going to say he wants his best friend, even when Hummel says it's the best explanation for sleeping with said best friend's girlfriend. Nor is he going to say it when everyone's mad he tried it again with the new girlfriend.

Title: One For All
Prompt: Telepathy (always there, but sudden trauma)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Bullying, racism, ablist language.
Summary: Pre-series. The start of Tina's stutter. When they're all telling her to hurry up with it, they're really telling her to shut up - she knows what they're thinking. And she acts for the group interest.

Title: The Injury
Prompt: Slaves (sexual)
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Swearing, not-all-that-explicit-sexualness, allusions to rape and talk of domestic abuse.
Summary: She needs him to lie down and play dead, and he feels completely subservient to her will - so he does it. But he doesn't want to. He's a little scared of her, to be honest.

Title: Thicker Than Water-Based Spray Paint
Prompt: Lacerations/knife wounds
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, a homophobic attack, cutting in a non-self-injury way (it makes sense in context).
Summary: Kurt doesn't think it's fair that the attacks on him fall on Finn too. Finn tries to prove it matters to him, because they're brothers.

Title: In the Belly of the Whale
Prompt: Mpreg (regular)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, transexuality, (sort of) mpreg, het, slash, abortion issues. Oh, and very flimsy hand-waving to make it fit with canon.
Summary: A transgendered Finn has absolutely no idea how this relates to the reproductive cycle. This ends well for no-one.

Title: Little Miss Messiah (I Will Follow You Into the Dark)
Prompt: Child abuse (physical)
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Swearing, sex, child abuse, other violence, alcohol, self-destructiveness.
Summary: Logan exists in a place of darkness and pain - Lilly doesn't. And, in the only way she could possibly be called a good girlfriend, she tries to follow him there; to explain, to answer, to understand.

Title: False Dichotomy
Prompt: Sore muscles
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sexual references.
Summary: Brittany needs to either dance or have sex, no matter the harm it does her. When she has a hamstring injury, this ends in a terrified Rachel.

Title: Salt Onto the Wound
Prompt: Old school medical treatment
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, child abuse, vaguely self-harm-ish behaviours (which isn't really done by the self), and general wtf-worthiness.
Summary: Logan's response to his father is insane, but Duncan goes with it anyway.

Title: Catching Up to the Girl Behind You
Prompt: Spinal injury
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mild swearing.
Summary: After "Dream On", Artie and Rachel commiserate.

Title: Devil Popping Bubblewrap, Judas in Mascara
Prompt: Child abuse (emotional)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Child abuse (emotional) and religious zealotry, sexual references, swearing.
Summary: Duncan watches his girlfriend watch herself. He doesn't like what he sees.

Title: Noir
Prompt: Amnesia
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, also talk of (not actual) rape and incest.
Summary: "Tell me about that night." She needs to know, he doesn't want to tell her, and he needs to have helped her.

Title: The End (Tapping Into the Post-Apocalypse Market
Prompt: Post-apocalypse
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Very mild swearing.
Summary: Veronica shouldn't be letting this get to her, and she shouldn't be crying in the bathroom over it. Meg comes in to offer some insight.

Title: Definitions
Prompt: Loss of voice
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mildest swearing.
Summary: Rachel loses her voice - for good. Tina finds her at a reunion.

Title: The Children of Lovers
Prompt: Orphans and runaways
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing.
Summary: "They say the children of lovers are orphans." Burt and Carole go out for a night. Kurt and Finn find this bugs them more than it really ought to.

Title: Seeing Red
Prompt: Blood loss
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, fake pregnancy.
Summary: Kendra's a little annoyed Terri feels the need to wake her up when she gets a reminder of exactly how not pregnant she is.

Title: The Sickness
Prompt: Nausea
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references.
Summary: Power of Madonna reaction piece/missing scene. It's not often Santana has to deal with a guy she's made physically sick by sleeping with him.

prompt: confession in desperate situatio, prompt: slaves, round: 1, prompt: amnesia, r: prompt: orphans and runaways, prompt: abuse, r: prompt: muscle strains and spasms, bingo: border, fandom: veronica mars, prompt: blood loss, prompt: telepathic trauma, r: prompt: mpreg (regular), [medium: fic], fandom: glee, prompt: apocalypse, prompt: major illness or injury, prompt: archaic medical treatment, prompt: loss of voice, prompt: lacerations / knife wounds, prompt: nausea

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