Bunny Adoptions

Sep 13, 2011 15:58

≡ Submit Your Plunnies Here! ≡

If you have some extra plot bunnies that you are interested in having someone adopt, feel free to drop them off here! Use the text code below and reply to the appropriate thread below.

NOTE: This is for story ideas AND just plain FUN! :) It would be interesting to see who takes what bunnies ;-) Even if you know your story's plot, please donate some ideas for others that may be indecisive or need other ideas for encouragement to tickle muses.

All comments are screened and this post will be updated frequently with a list of anonymous bunnies for browsing. If you are interested in adopting a bunny left here, please comment in the appropriate thread as well using the supplied form.

Dropping off bunnies:
Adopting bunnies:

name your bunny: (any sort of name you wish to apply to the bunny for fun)
fandom specific bunny: (only if it related directly with a fandom)
generic bunny: (if the bunny can be applied to any fandom/pairing)
comment for possible adopter: (leave a fun message for anyone who may end up adopting the bunny)

name of bunny: (the name of the bunny you wish to adopt)
bunny's home: (the fandom and/or pairing about the bunny's new home)
comment for the donator: (say your thanks, kudos, or anything else to the original owner of the bunny)

name your bunny: Mr. Fluffijingles
fandom specific bunny: (only if it related directly with a fandom)
generic bunny: [Character A] was kidnapped and tortured/beaten on his/her way home from work. He/she is saved before more than the physical violence can happen, but what was done was severe. His/her lover, [Character B], needs to help him/her pick up the pieces and heal.
comment for possible adopter: Mr. Fluffijingles will nibble your toes until you finish this. He's a persistent little bugger.

name your bunny: screwup!Hermione
fandom specific bunny: Harry Potter. After her best friends are killed, Hermione turns to an unlikely source for hope, comfort, and love.
comment for possible adopter: I see this as being an angst-filled fic in which Hermione, in her hurt & desperation, ends up making all the wrong decisions. Maybe she has a slew of bad relationships or something.

name your bunny: unnamed
fandom specific bunny: firefly | river | perhaps jane was right: they really should have brought a bigger gun. lucky for him they've got the biggest, baddest weapon of all on her way over. but things tend to go bad easy on the rim worlds, and something happens that might take river down permanently.

.to be added.

If this post seems a little crack to you its because I'm on nice pain killers after dealing with the dentist for 2.5 hours. Love you all!

!bunny adoptions

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