It's been a while since I reviewed any comics, so here's what I got this week.
Life During Wartime #9
This book is so confusing, disturbing and hopelessly addicting. I shouldn't even buy it, because I never know what the hell is going on, but every time I see it in the store I have to pick it up. Anyway, at least this answers the questions about the weird dual realities. Apparently Tim created the "no magick" world and everyone in it. That's why they all love him so much. Crazy...
New X-Men #11
My suspicions were correct--it was all a "dream." I think I knew for sure at the beginning of the story, when David mentioned Dani's illusion powers. The art's still not doing it for me, but at least it's consistent. Everyone has weirdly distorted limbs, etc. And it looks like Josh and Laurie are headed for a Julian-instigated breakup. Poor Laurie...she just can't get a break, can she?
Arana: The Heart of the Spider #3
I love this book, especially the random Spider Man references! That Amun guy sure is creepy...ick! The best part for me was the 8th-grade dance flashback. Hee! Little Lynn and Arana are soooo cute! The ending was very sad, though I'm sure Arana will come around.
Spellbinders #1
I'm such a sucker for books about magick! This one's got a pretty cool concept, I think. Apparently, in Salem it's not at all unusual for people to believe in magick and there are actually high school cliques based on it. If I had to do high school again, I'd like to go there!
Runaways #2
I'm so happy that Runaways is back! I just love everything about it--the characters, the dialogue, the art. And now there's a "self-help" group for recovering child superheroes. And Chamber's in it! This book wins the award for Best Use of an Underused X-Man. My favorite line in this issue: "What is this? Are...are you guys those Young Avengers I read about?" "Ick, I should make Old Lace rip out your liver for that."
Rogue #9
So, rumor is they're cancelling this book. I'm sad, only because it could have been a great book with my favorite character. But, really, it's so horrible. The art is especially bad in this issue. Everyone seems to have a giant head and a single facial expression. And I'm just not into this story arc at all. Sooo boring.
Age of Apocalypse #4
The thing I love about the AOA is that Rogue gets to be a star. Granted, I'm not into the Rogue/Magneto pairing for the sheer ick of it all, but I love how Rogue has the Jean Grey role of emotional heart of the team. The only problem I have with this book is that I keep thinking Dazzler is Emma Frost because of the costume. I love the black and white flashback and the Psylocke appearance.
X-Men #168
Yep. Still loving it. Does anyone else think Lorna's gonna be the only one who doesn't go completely insane? Or is that just me?