A Long Overdue Installment

Jan 01, 2005 23:09

Hello and welcome to 2005. And a fond farewell to 2004, the year that was. I was thinking back on where I was last new years and I was driving my little brother between parties when the clock struck 12. That sucked a-hole. Well I've come a long way since my move back to Colorado and I think I would like to breeze through the months in loving memory of......myself. January through March came and went with nothing but my good times at Samsonite and a whole lot of calculus. I was going to CU Denver and never want to go back! Damn it! Things didn't look up until spring break when I went to Los Angeles and had a chance to check out some schools while I was here. I also formally met, live and in person, my dear friend Danny and began a personal connection with the deserts of Tucson. I came back to Colorado and geared up my applications for schools in Los Angeles and a loose strategy of how this would work. The Madonna trip was the defining moment of my life not sucking when I did my Cal State orientation and of course saw the diva herself, LIVE!

Then I got in my car and drove to LA with no place to go. Luckily my mom's cousins live in Pasadena which would give me a place to stay while I found something permanent which turned out to be rent free. And that brings us to today. When I was waiting at security in Denver International I realized that I was actually living in LA (duh) and wasn't going to have to move back to CO. This is my new home (I'm sure many of you expected failure and to you I say, "fuck off and die"). This thought the afforded me with a whole slew of emotions. I started to really miss my family and had a little homesick feeling, which I have never had before. I think it's because this time that I moved out I really started a new life with real connections and after I'm done moving a million miles an hour I get afraid that I'll lose touch with people that aren't in the same county as me. Yes Jamie, you too with your OC lifestyle and stinky stinky body.

By the by, I'm so sorry that I keep not doing this, mostly to myself because It's so nice to look back on this and remember all the adventures I've been on. I realized that I have to do this more simply for historical purposes because I honestly do not remember how many times I've been to Tucson since I moved here and I think it's about 6 or 7 when I try to match details on a time line. What can I say, I love those cactus hugging hippies.

What a fucking weird year, I just can't believe how much happened and how many little emotional roller coasters I went on. I'm just happy to report that I don't ever think I'll look at a year and think, I didn't do anything, damn my life is boring.

Onto the here and now. School starts on Monday and I'm excited to get back because I had such a good time last quarter. Work continues on my triple major which so far is kicking my ass. This next quarter I'm taking acting, stagecraft, french, political science, band, and music history or a theater movement class, whichever will fit in my schedule. I'm also in a play with a lot of minor roles but I got cast and that's all that matters to me. I think that if I ever get a better schedule I'll be more eligible for major roles so here's hoping for spring quarter. My auditions always go really well because I don't get nervous about performing in front of people like that. Maybe because I have no shame........crap!

Things that do make me nervous are playing my saxophone in front of people which made my jury at the end of the fall quarter especially gross. I remember that I had just eaten a burrito before and I thought I was going to throw it up in my saxophone in front of the music department faculty. Hopefully with a lot more practice I won't feel so nervous about that. As soon as I get back into the school groove I'm going to go back to practicing everyday because I didn't do much this quarter and I got a lot better. So I figure if I actually put effort forth those stupid clarinets in front of me won't give me the fish eye for playing wrong notes. By the way, a personal "fuck you" from me to the clarinet section.

I went to Tucson a week before I flew to Colorado and I had a splendid time. As usual I did nothing to speak of but it was nice relaxing and always fun hanging out with Danny and Diana and all my favorite crew from the little city that didn't. I drove back to LA on a Sunday and got in at 6. I got up the next morning after quickly re-packing and got on a plane that was Colorado bound. As we flew over Denver I get really angry to be back because I thought of driving back from AZ and I think I always get pissed off when I go to Colorado. But I actually had a really good time. I saw Lindsey a couple of times, Liz Newton, momma Nulph and her strange friend Steve, Holly, and of course my adoring family. I also made sure that every purchase I made was on credit because I wanted to show people my ID to show then that I didn't live there. Especially since I ran into a lot of townies. HURL! I don't know why but being a townie in Colorado is just gross because those people have no lives or ambitions, maybe just because Colorado is a crappy state. But if you think about it a lot of people in Tucson are townies, including everyone's favorite Mexican Danny and they are all pretty cool. Well as cool and hip as you can get when you live in the middle of the desert. Je ne sais pas

I flew in yesterday after only sleeping 4 hours and went straight to the mall with Fernando and Sarah. I came back home and made myself hot and met up with the dynamic Latinos along with Fernando's cousin and a couple other boys I don't know. We went to a Latino club which was cool. They were playing all these 80's hits but they were all in Spanish and they had a Mariacii (or however you spell it, we don't have those in Puerto Rico). We went back to one of the boys houses at about 3 and hung out there until 6. That was cool but when I drove back to Pasadena, which by the way was a huge mess because of the rose bowl, I was falling asleep at the wheel. I slept for an hour and a half before getting up and walking down to the parade with my familia. It was really cool and I loved seeing the bands, I'm a whore for a marching band or several. We got back home at 11 or so and I went straight to bed. I didn't wake up until 8 and was ready to begin some Saturday night excitement, like unpacking.

And that's my life, take it or leave it.
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