Game of Thrones Fanfic: Love Me Until It Hurts

Aug 09, 2013 22:59

Title: Love Me Until It Hurts

Author: alikat7

Pairing: Robb/Dacey, Robb/Jeyne

Rating: Teen

Disclaimer: All works belong to David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and HBO, and George R.R. Martin. No offense is meant. Everything is purely for entertainment purposes. I own and claim nothing.

Summary: ~

The King in the North summons Dacey Mormont to Winterfell after a number of years apart.

Written for the Your Cheating Heart ficathon on LJ prompt: Robb/Dacey - ASOIAF - Married or not, old habits are hard to break.
On Archive of Our Own (AO3):

character: jeyne westerling, =rating: pg 13, =length: one-shot, character: robb stark, ship: robb/jeyne

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