Just thought this had to be said, whether someone reads it or not, I just felt like I needed to type something about it!
Ok..So I was watching an interview w/ Charlie, it was close to 40 minutes long, I really enjoyed it. Charlie really has some common sense, and knows what he's talking about. He even agreed that the WWE has no clue what they are doing with there tag-team divison. Which I totally agree. It just pisses me off, he said that he and Jackie spoke with the WWE creative team and all about going on a honeymoon, they said - go ahead on the honeymoon,and take your time to come back. Charlie comes back, boom! They fire him. Yeah they waited til after the wedding...But still, thats so wrong!
And also, another thing, Charlie said that Rico was really over w/ the fans, and would get chants all over the place when they went overseas. Then he said that they go and fire him, yet bring in Blue Meanie! Another stupid move from the WWE.
I miss Charlie! He's in Japan I believe now, I saw a recent picture of him.
He looks great! I dont care, I did it w/ Spanky and Billy and Jeffy, just lost contact w/ where Jamie was a little! Im gonna follow Charlie's career, try to download some of his matches in Japan that he will be having, Ive done this w/ Spanky especially..Oh btw his hair is black! I miss the blonde lol! But yeah, Im gonna still follow and support Charlie, because he deserves all the support in the world!! He never got a chance, and thats not fair.
I think thats all I have to say right now, oh and of course it was stupid of them to fire Shannon, Maven and Jindrak, but I think im more pissed about Charlie.
Now tonight - Charlie,Jindrak, and a few others are gonna be on MTV's 70's house at 7! They are gonna be on a team together and play dodgeball! I cant wait!!!!