» You must be signed up for Round 11 to participate.
» All icons must be made specifically for this challenge. Don't submit icons you've already made.
» Don't take other people's work.
» Make sure your icons have no adult content.
» Icons must be made according to the LiveJournal standard. This means that they must be under 40kb, 100x100 pixels and saved as a .png, .gif or .jpg
» No animated icons are allowed.
» Post your icons to your livejournal/icon community, then post a 3 icon teaser here with a link back to the rest. Please don't post any more than 3 and don't post a banner or any other sort of picture.
» Make sure your icon post is UNLOCKED.
» Please don't submit your icons to this post.
» Please use the table provided to post your icons. You can change the colours if you'd like.
» Please do not add tags. We'll do that for you.
» Add a subject to your post: Round 11 - Claim
» Your completed set of 20 icons is due by June 20th in your time zone.
PARTICIPANTS & CLAIMS LIST 10 THEMES: color splash *, dirty, large text, looking down, not 100x100, one color, provided texture +, split screen ^, tiny text, zoom %
* Black and White with just a splash of color.
credit to:
talli_approved credit to:
moonbeamsbelle + Use one of the following provided textures. You can do whatever you want to the texture, as long as it’s still recognizable.
credit to:
99mockingbirds credit to:
damnicons ^ This is a bit different then how most people would interpret split screen. You will literally split an image in half using either a different version of the same image (different color or crop, for example) or a completely separate image. Can be done horizontally, vertically, or if you dare it, diagonally.
credit to:
talli_approved % Use the same image, but one should be wider crop, the other more close crop. Any variation.
credit to:
nemesisofamor 5 Category - SAME SCENE: All images must be from the same scene.
5 Artist's Choice
Please use the table below to post your icons.
color splash |
dirty |
large text |
looking down |
not 100x100 |
one color |
provided texture |
split screen |
tiny text |
zoom |
Category #1 |
Category #2 |
Category #3 |
Category #4 |
Category #5 |
Artist's Choice #1 |
Artist's Choice #2 |
Artist's Choice #3 |
Artist's Choice #4 |
Artist's Choice #5 |
Questions? Ask away!