There's fucked up, and there's fucked up.

May 02, 2009 18:14

Here's a story I found via Richard Metzger's Twitter feed, and I can only echo his words: "Put this FOX News watching, mule-fucking wingnut IN JAIL BEFORE HE DOES KILL SOMEONE!" A longshot Georgia candidate for governor who’s already admitted having sex with a mule before finding God says he’s ready to sacrifice his own son in an effort to get his state to secede from the union. ...
Asked if he was ready to sacrifice his own son in a national insurrection, Horsley recounts a fight with his son where he almost killed him. ...
“That’s why there’s a real rift of estrangement in my family,” he says. “I contend this is really about people’s ability to believe in God. When it comes to that place, when your’re talking about God’s plan to protect himself, then the lives of people become, really, almost irrelevant… in the degree that they result in Him being glorified. That’s the nature of the truth.”
Actually the real nature of the real truth here is that the rift of estrangement between Neal Horsley and his family is nowhere near as big as the rift of estrangement between Horsley and reality. Granted that he clearly is a long shot, but really the fact that a clown like this (and remember, if he'd kill his own son with so little apparent compunction, he'd probably kill someone else with even less) can run for governor of a US state is a poor argument for democracy. In an earlier television interview with Alan Combs, the would be secessionist said he’d had sex with a mule when he was a child.
“When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule,” he said, adding, “You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually.”
Of course, when you consider it, the worst thing about this story is not that he experimented with a mule but that-since he has a human son, even one he's tried to kill-he must've experimented with a human woman at some point. I wonder how she feels about having done so...

weird, idiots

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