Apr 30, 2004 23:41
meh it seems like all my moods revolved primarily around the negative side these days. I think it has something to do with the whole all work and no play thing. I'm contantly running around from scool, to work, to the other work, to phsyical therapy. Pyshical Therapy takes up what ammounted to the last bit of my remaining free time. Perhaps it is a good thing I only work one day at Target this week. Maybe I can slow down finall and relax one night this week, really relax.
So work at Target was a bitch tonight. How so? It seeme light every high maintainence guest in the world was in the store tonight. It was super busy, and the guests were just needing shit left and right.. it was insane. Made sales of course.. wooh.
Fuck... lol I just realized something- ok so this one guy who is all like into me, but I dont share the same feelings for him so far... I have a date friday with him. just realized I made another date with friends to go see Van Helsing (you..and you know who.. shush) and fuck now I gotta cancel the friend thing cause I did make plans with this guy first.... Saturdaynight.. yeah Saturday night see vanhelsin after some stupid fashion show thing that I think, hope? better be? this saturday night after this one manager manipulated the schedule to get it off for me.
Yeah I prolly should explain that- Michelles younger sister invited me to go see her fashion show or something? and she is like also wanting to set me up with a friend of hers..lol. So I got michelle wanting to set me up with someone, amanda, and now michelles younger sister. Ontop of that I already got two guys I am talking to..lol, yeah this sounds nice and all but mehh..lol.
Ya know what I really would like though at some point this week- one day, with not running out involved at all. No work, no nothing. I WOULD have had a day almost like that this week but my grandmother is all like wanting me to go out to lunch with some gay friend of hers and talk with him- little does she really understand how much I already know.. its like.. umm.. I am not interestted please dont make me do this? It doesnt sound like fun at all to me
I still am feeling sick- I still didnt make an appointment to see the doctor..heh I should prolly but I have no time.... *tear*