Apr 07, 2004 09:20
Lala.. this time I remembered the attena for my laptop- no more using those shitty library computers. Those things are worse then my 486! Not like they are old, but they are these sun microsystem computer things with this Tarantella? thing to run IE in and shit. Ubber laggy on any website that has anything current on it- ie flash/java/HTML!!!
So yes.. now my quandry for the current hour. Should I be a smart little boy and study some spanish? Should I pop out my USB drive thingy and work on my graphic midterm project which is JUST about done? Its looking so fucken good too..hehehe
Should I read the chapter I was SUPOSED to read for business today?? Which I could always do at work later today at gallup. Which fucken reminds me- sunday is easter! They won fucken be open sunday. I'm in trouble. I dont know HOW I will even get my hours in for this week!!!! I should have gone in last night, not to target- I was so gonna spend 8 hours there sunday, another 6ish saturday, then like 6 tonight... nope, of course not- sunday is easter dumb ass.. so totaly forgot that one minor issue. I will be highly surprised should they actually be open sunday.
Which means I may have to cancel my date Friday even though he said he was planning something really special.... :| mehhhh this sucks. I'll see what they say when I go in tonight about my hours and shit... grrr this isnt gonna be goood.
So yes, Cory's quandry continues- sit here in the quad surfing the net, or study. Then worry about work, figure out what to do about friday and yeah... wooh.
Shit I think I just figured out what I need to do for today- study some stupid spanish oral crap that I may have to do in class today...mehhhhhhh