Oct 22, 2011 12:55
Feelin' better...here's what I've been doing on workouts the past week.
This week I had to start out slow. Been a while since I've been to the gym, and finding out that the reason for the acute pain in my shoulder may be due my clavicle not being where it should be (no clue why...not broken or misshapen, just not where it's supposed to be) enabled me to better tailor what I do to what my body can handle.
Last week I started with 30 mins of cardio, then did a circuit of several of the machines. I exercised at each machine for 1 set of 8 reps. I would continue the circuit until I could not continue with proper form.
Why machines? Because I don't have a spotter. My right shoulder could go out without warning and cause me great harm. Machines make it easier for me to keep that from happening.
I've been focusing on upper body. My lower body is...well...fine.
Circuit (and I'll take recommendations and critiques):
Military Press: 30-40lbs (depending on how my shoulder feels)
Chest Fly: 70lbs
Chest Press: 80lbs
Lat Pulldown: 110lbs
Triceps Extension: 60lbs
And the good old curls: 20lbs
I'll do 1 set of 8 reps, then move to the next machine. I can usually complete 2 good circuits with the 3rd getting difficult. If I start having bad form I'll either drop the weight down or just move on to the next machine. If I can do 3 circuits of 8 reps well on an individual machine, I bump up the weight.
So far I've done this 5x this week: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat. Wednesday was my day off. If I am able to manage my schedule, I would like to do an hour's worth of cardio (right now stationary bike) on Sunday, but we'll see.
My goal isn't to bulk up, per se, but to be healthier. Once I hit a point where I like how my body looks, I'll probably increase the reps and either keep the weight the same or bump it slightly down. I still need to be limber and have good range of motion for my job. :-)
Have a great day!