Jul 23, 2004 21:40
Well I went to work today...and overall I felt pretty-ok...Praise the Lord. I still had a constant head ache...but it was very light...and only a couple of times did I feel off balance. Maybe, just maybe, I am actually getting better! =)
After work, I enjoyed a lovely conversation with my friend Jamie. Like I have said in my previous journals, it is always fun to get a call/text message/email from someone you know and care about. SO thanks Jamie for making my day! =)
After dinner, I did my bible study and it was about checking your faith and making sure everything you believe is biblical...and not something that someone just told you to believe. Also it talked about understanding Gods TRUE immage...and what he TRULY is all about. In response to that, there are things about God's image that I have a pretty strong grasp on but there are other things...that I just don't know about...or understand. For example, just reading the description of God in Revelations...I just can't form a complete image of Him...because it is so abnormal. You know what I mean? It just goes to tell you how HOLLY, UNIQUE and AWESOME HE IS that we as humans can't even concieve it! I can't wait to get a better grasp on His complete image. Of course, I will never fully understand it...but at least I can move a step closer. =)
After my bible study, I took a shower...and it was TOTALLY weird. I have to share what happened with you guys. I was listening to the radio...The Fish 95.9 and then they were trying to find a sponsor for a child from World Vision. ANYWAYS, earlier this week when they were listing off families who needed support, I thought to myself...MAN they have SO many kids, and that is why they are struggling here. So I really didn't feel like I wanted to support them...because they were the ones having too many kids...and so that is why they can't afford them. So the first thing the radio host says is...I know you may be asking..."why do they have so many kids, when they have no money to support them?" And of course the answered with...in their culture it is a necessity to have a lot of kids...because family means so much to them. They need to give love and they need to receive it. Our need is a car...and their need is love. So anyways...it totally caught my attention that they answered...or even talked about my question/complaint...and so I listened more. The name of the kid is MELTON...which is the last name of a dear friend of mine...Leah Melton. Not only that but his birthday is September 8th JUST LIKE MINE! Now what do you have to say about that? I was in the shower so I couldn't call the radio station. But I don't know. I don't even have the continual cash flow to support this kid. Of course, right now...when I am working I could...but during the school year I wouldn't be able to. So I want to call and support the kid...but I just don't feel like I would be able to...even though I want to. What do you think I should do? In the back of my mind, I realize that if this is something God wants me to do, He will help me to provide. I just don't know! If you have an opinion let me know!