Jul 12, 2004 22:06
I finally rested pretty much all day today and again, I didn't go to work. I stayed inside until I had dinner with a high school teacher named Ms. Petitt. It was SO great to see her, and tell her all about my first year at APU. She has meant so much to me over the years. Before I had her as my English teacher, I had no confidence in my academic abilities...I pretty much thought that I was stupid. Anyways, she totally boosted my esteem...and ever since I have been doing so much better in school.
As with my "illness" my light headedness was not constant today...instead it was off and on. It seemed to come when I did something physical...or anything where I had to think extremely hard.
Since I didn't have a lot to do today...I got to thinking about life. I am trying to find a new daily devotional to study out of...so if you have any suggestions...let me know. I think I am going to try and find out the one Nick did...that was by Beth Moore...but I don't know the name of it. I just want to grow SO much this summer. I want to dig into God's word. I want to learn...I want to be fed...I want to have a better grasp of God's true image. I want to be prepared for the freshman girls I will be leading next year...as a D-Group leader. I want to be in tune with God's will for my life. I want to be focused on living for HIM and not for myself. It is so easy to get caught up in my busy life...especially when I was in summer school.
One night after church I just completely broke down into tears because I felt so empty. I couldn't spend a satisfying amount of time with the Lord...while I was in summer school. I felt so guilty...but I didn't know how to solve my problem. Every minute of my day I was doing something I had to do...whether it be eating, going to school, going to work, studying...or sleeping. Don't YOU hate it when you can't find enough time to spend with God? It just tares me to pieces.
My roommate is a witness to this...I don't just like "reading" the bible...a chapter a day. That isn't what I want my relationship with God to be like. For some that may be ok...but for me...I want to go more in depth. I like to take a verse...and tear it apart. I like to see exactly what each word means...and get a full grasp of what it is TRULY saying. THEN, once I understand it...I like to try my best to apply it to my life. I really don't know what a "perfect" relationship with God is...but I am trying to find out...what God desires from me on a daily basis. What does He want from me. I want to know how I can meet His needs...because He SOOOOO often meets mine.
Anyways, enough from my thought life. Tomorrow...I am not going to work in the morning...I am going to the doctors at 11:15am and then we will see from there. =)