The rest of my day...

Jul 05, 2004 20:40

One of the main things that has been on my mind a lot lately is my future with missions. I don't know if you guys know, but I really want to be a full time missionary as a child psychologist. I really want to work with orphans...especially teenagers. I have no clue where, but I really enjoyed working with the people in Bosnia...when I went the summer of my Junior year. But then, spoken language wise...I really like Spanish. So ya, the location...I have no clue....but I am almost positive it wont be in the united states.

I was sharing with Daniel, my alpha leader, a couple weeks ago how basically no one has a desire to live a life of servitude...through full time missions. I mean, I look at my college group...and I haven't met a single student that wants to do missions for their career. WHY NOT!? We are even doing a serries in our group about living a life rich in Christ. James 1:9-11 explains exactly how I feel...but yet....the world doesn't seem to get. Why do so many people desire to be rich...if the rich are not rich eternally. Living a life of servitude is what makes you wealthy eternally. We sing worship songs like "Enough"...which touch me deeply. It seems like it touches the rest of the group...but then...once the service is over with...they go back to their marry old ways of self-centered thinking. When I hear that song I think...GOD IS WORTHY OF LIVING A LIFE IN POOR! His love will fill my every need and every thirst. God is all that I need. God is the key to life.

The reason why this song has gotten to me is because I feel a lot of warfare coming from the world. The earthly desires...sometimes come that I would love to live a life in a huge house...with a nice car...and yada yada. But the thing all is dirt compared to living a life for the Lord...and each day I am being more and more humbled by that fact.

For me, it isn't even ABOUT having eternal wealth! I don't desire to be rewarded for what I do here on Earth. I desire for people to feel loved. I desire for people to see God's true love for them. I desire to see the majority of this world going to heaven rather than hell. I desire for this world to have hope that life gets better than this sin ridden Earth. I care about these people...I love them. Really I do.

Are you willing to be a servant to the Lord...for the rest of your life? Are you willing to be a full time missionary...and give up your earthly monetary desires. What are you living for?
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