Awesome full weekend!

Jan 27, 2008 23:03

It really doesn't get any better than this last weekend!
Friday was questionable till I got the call for the "Edwardian Worlds Fair" I went with some of the Neverwas crew to the Great American Music hall for that in costume. I drank a bit and mostly talked with people I knew instead of watching the show which was actually better. I don't get out much so it is a bit startiling when people remember me when I have breifly met them. KSW was their showing off their steam stuff and probably ruining the interior of the Hall with all the moisture they were putting out. KSW had a steam line blow out it caused a ruckus and I chuckled a bit since the same happened to me at decompression. I'm glad it happened to someone else too so I no longer feel so bad about accidentaly blasing people with steam. Oh and I didn't have to drive there YES!

Saturday I worked on my chandelier. I was welding and sanding mostly. It is so close to being done I have been lagging on getting a glass blower to make some necessary parts as well as lagging on the wireing and electrical. Rebecca was there at American Steel for a few hours with her crew making a new fire bloom for Ocean beach. Her crew was too big and mostly hung out smoked and drank between taking turns with the power tools. I popped in every now and then hanging out, chatting, and showing off my chandelier as well as an exploding seed pod fire sculpture element I made. Saturday night I hung low at home.

Sunday I got up early made breakfast for Peter and I and went to the shop and worked on an electric steam boiler to test for the Flaming Lotus Girls' new project. I took up the lead on the Steam effects for FLG. Latter I went to a budget and fabrication meeting in SF at the Rebbeca/Roseanna/Jake/Jon house. For a few hours we hatched out plans for "how the fuck are we going to build this thing and out of what?" I got my steamy questions answered for what is needed from the steam. I also helped out with some fucko mechanical engineering problems and beat Rebbeca over the head with "no we can't do that, it is too heavy, expensive, and time consuming!" something will work out but it was going down a bad road for a minute. Sadly I had to miss the fondue dinner I had a date in berkeley with a woman named Danielle. It went very well (nothing dirty, sorry) I'm pretty sure I'll see Danielle again.

Tomorrow (Monday) I'll hopefully go check out a warehouse space that I may move to for a live work. Oh and I have to work at my job. I'll probably have to run stuff down to the galvanizer and make more stuff!

current HST mood:

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