I'd like to rip the entire edifice down with my bare hands and set it on fire!

Mar 31, 2007 09:41

A few thoughts about 2X17 under the cut

I finally got a paid account! WOO HOO now I have many many pretty icons! *pets them all* I am sure these will change often.

OMG Zak he was so adorable when he blurted out that line at the beginning of the episode. He has such a straight face and delivered it with such senserity that he was hilarious!

ahhhh David  and Emily, what can I say. I cannot emphasize how amazing these two actors are. They have the most amazing chemistry and screen presence that is just a pleasure to watch over and over and over again.

Booth/Bones - Whilst questioning the priest Booth's constant hand gestures for Brennan to tonne done her bluntness was great. OH OH and his blank glare at Bones in the interagation room was priceless!! The core of the episode (apart from solving the bones mystery of course!) is the tension that is normal for these two but is becoming more apparent through their bickering about religion. In comes Booth's FBI therapist to "fix us" as Temperance puts it.
 The entire episode was filled with great b/b moments that I cant even begin to describe because there were so many.

One fav moment, David was so funny and Emily's face was adorable, she was so focused and serious......

Brennan:Booth says you can fix us
Gordan: What now is proved was once only imagined. The rat, the mouse, the fox, the rabbit, the lion, the tiger, the horse, the elephant. Watch the fruits, the system contains, the fountain overflows.
Booth: What?
Gordan: Come now you can surely guess the reference
Brennan: William Blake
Gordan: Yes. Blake is telling us that we are all at the mercy of the fundamental natures. But when we understand our natures. We understand the results of conflict.
Booth: what?
Brennan: I hate physycology
Gordan: As do i. it applies a petina of science over what is essentially a complex set of royalyingly unknowables.
Booth: You see. What?
Bordan: You weren't fighting about religion
Brennan:But thats what Booth said
Gordan: Religion provided the flashpoint that you needed to expose an underlying issue. i will find out what this issue is and help you resolve it. and set right the balance of dark and light in the universe.
Booth: Isn't he great!?

Jack/Angela - I am suprised that their relationship has progressed so much. The lack of details given in previous episodes had left me unsure of where they were at. So they are obviously sleeping together, often and now Jack wants to get more serious as he asked her to move in with her. Angela is reluctant which i feel is part of her character. I am glad they she wants to hold up for a bit.
Also YAH for Angela she is such a  B&B shipper! I can so see Angela being so awesome when they finally hook up. Brennan will be questioning everything and how it will affect her work etc. Angela will be there all comforting and supportive, ekkkk i cant wait for that awesome day, though not being together and the wonderful UST is what makes the show so great.

ship: angela/jack, ship: booth/brennan, tv: bones, random: paid account

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