Travelling is fun and i have the West Wing box set baby!!! I am totally on a smack high from lack of

Feb 02, 2007 13:27

ahhhhh so I am finally in Toronto the flight was a biatch! Left at Adelaide time 600am on thursday and i got here at 6pm thursday and flight was 15 hours to LA then 5 to toronto so have had like 24 hours squeezed into a 12 hour time slot so to speak....I am so tired who knows what Iam writing but got here and i was like ummm yeah its frakking cold and there is snow and i just left hot sunny Australia where i was wearing tees and flip flops and now MASSIVE jacket and beanies...yeah my jacket rocks dad came back from New York baby and brought me an awesome Calvin Klein jacket *pats jacket*

so am so excited, The Office, Smallville, Grey's and Men in Trees ahhh to much to watch and so little time. semi watched the office the karen/pam stuff OMG if i watched it properly Pam stumbling around her words and her and jim so much *squee* and 'tell him/get it on already, hello too much for my mind'
now in the middle of Grey's....oh yeah then Men in Trees, HELLO LOVE this show its so hilarious and i love anne heche she is awesome at comedy always loved her, anyone seen 6 days 7 nights ummm VERY funny! and how cute/hugable is patrick? and jack is so damn sexy and his voice is yummy. but come on lynne=get out of elmo NOW!
GrREY'S ANATOMY what the hell George and callie married that is so wacked cos i recon he only proposed cos of his Dad and all the crazy emotions and sadness and not wanting to be alone. Wonder if it will last? Apart from that Grey's is always great.

yeah have i written about STUDIO 60 last week?? may have just written tonnes of comments on other LJ's...well ok it was great! Danny and Jordan stuff priceless no joke I re watched about million times the whole 'when did you suddenly decide that you love me' scene and the attacking of the cable was SOOOOOO funny brad was THE cutest wacking and jumping around the roof and his face when jordan was like 'dont you think snakes cant climb up' ahhhh man awesome. love that jordan was so disappointed (IMO) that danny was gonna stop coming after her. Glad that her character is so strong that she didnt want to accept what danny was offering just so she would have to do the baby thing alone. girls kick ass. All the great roof top talk will hopefully continue and jordan will become convinced of danny's senserity (cant spell!) towards her and she can actually sift through the feelings she has towards him.
Harriet (hey her real name is Hannah so my likeness of her has increase! ) was harsh towards matt but they do have this weird relationship going can never tell WHAT they are. They dont seem over each other as they keep having great moments then some bad ones.

OFF TOPIC arg lynne and baby names please stop and leave my screen this instance thank you :)

ANYWAYS umm yeah studio 60 is great and all should watch and i totally want jordans job sorry another total off topic thing.

oh yeah PB the other day was awesome the whole video thing and the signs and then michael talking to sara through is crazy code messages then on the phone, when they meet up i will die the promos look so promising. TEH KISS IS FINALLY HERE!

Better stop typing absolute nonesense fangirl/fandom freak as iam hyped up from lack of sleep and being in another country. LOL

Hope everyone is well

oh yeah and before i left the west wing entire box set arrived and its beyond awesome its in this little box thingy with the presidential seal and all the seasons are mini files so awesome. BUT its still in OZ mum is suddenly into it and she wants to watch season 1-4 cos she started in season 5 (what? i know!) but then she will ship it over...yeah i know.

canada: toronto, tv: men in trees, tv: greys anatomy, tv: studio 60

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