Random rambling

Sep 04, 2010 18:14

Covert Affairs
  • Is anyone watching this show? I'm kinda disappointed. It has potential but I just don't think it has reached it. The structure of the show is a little iffy. I like the whole Annie goes on a mission thing and saves the day, thats ok. I just think there needs to be more connection with the agency as well. For example Auggie should be her handler who is in contact with her on missions, helps her out, suggests things etc. What I have found is that she goes on these random mission and works with these random people that the audience is only known a short while, not enough to care about. To be honest most of the eps have been kinda boring. IMO.
  • Its prob just my inner fangirl wanting more Annie/Auggie but whatever, lol
  • Are we meant to like/ship Jay/Annie on Covert Affairs because I do not see it. Cannot stand Jay. MOAR Auggie please!!!!
  • No Haven this week sucks cos after last week I'm so pumped for more.

That is all


tv: covert affairs, tv; haven, ship: annie/auggie

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