House 4x11

Dec 11, 2008 15:01

I thought that it was great episode but I was expecting more with House/Cuddy. Don't get me wrong I like their interactions but seriously what are the writers doing with them? Are we gonna see it go further or are they slowly going to faze out what has happened over the last few episides? I hope not!
Taub was on fire I loved his little prank! 13 and Foreman, mah they bore me anyways.
I loved House and the clinic patient and his attempt at being nice and all the dumbass patients! lol OMG inhaler lady and the virgin, lol funny shit.

The ending was cute, I think that House sort of saw that no matter how much he bates and tries to munipulate Cuddy he knows that she will not waver. Thus the smile when she got the baby, he sort of realized that she really wants it and it makes her happy. Well I hope that is why he smiled at the end. House also looked a little sad mabe he knows now that Cuddy is now maybe even further away from him then when he almost pursued her a few eps back.

Totally random: On the way home from my riding lesson I totally saw an Emu on the side of he road, lol. You never see them in the wild, he he it was cool!

ship: house/cuddy, tv: house

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