The X Files: I Want To Believe

Jul 24, 2008 19:47

I loved it. I really thought that Carter and the crew really did a great job in bringing back the feel of the show and the characters but in the stage of their lives years after the finale. I did feel that this film was for the true fans, sure anyone could see it, follow it and enjoy but I don't think you would have appreciated it without the whole 8 seasons and first film behind you. To understand and appreciate where Mulder and Scully are in their lives and how and why they approach this new case and each other.

It was great to see Scully back being a doctor, her true love and passion. I really loved how the first time we are aware of her presence, is the camera angle showing the back of her and her voice as she address the board of doctors. The same goes for when we first see Mulder, we hear his voice and the camera adjusts to the back of him slumped in his chair surrounded by walls of newspaper clippings, true Mulder style. Then we are confronted with Mulder, and the beard! lol It was adorable.

It was interesting to see that Mulder has been holed up on a private estate doing his research, I can totally see that. At first I was a bit confused about where Scully and Mulder were at in their relationship or if they had one anymore, apart from friendship. It came across to me that they see each other regularly but sort of have their own place? idk or did anyone think that they do live together, as they seemed to be comfortable in the bed scene, squeeeee. What do others think? am I totally not picking something up?
That scene was great though, we see Scully's face, obviously awake due to her dilemma with her patient, and up pops Mulder, lol. It was cute. I love how they seemed to comfortable as if it has been like that for years? LOL and the beard thing, adorable.

I thought the story was really good to. It had the supernatural feel, the doubt and the human element. We have Father Joe who has these visions which are in question throughout the whole film as the agents piece together the puzzle to find the missing agent and young woman. It was good to see that Scully was skeptical as ever, and quit rightly as he was a convicted pedophile. I really loved the dynamics and the doubt that came over both Mulder and Scully throughout the whole thing. Parts of Scully wanted to believe but without any real answer she found it hard to grasp.

Memorable scenes
  1. I loved how the camera introduced Mulder and Scully as I mentioned before, with their voices first then their profile revealed prolonging the flail for the fans
  2. The bedroom scene when they seem so close and comfortable with each other, and how Mulder wanted to let her sleep and to take the worrying away for a while, and the beard!
  3. The parts when we watch the young women in the box and only brief glances of the doctors, you really felt scared and trapped as she did and I found I was on edge as at this point we were not sure what was going on
  4. I like the confrontation with Scully and Joe as she wanted to understand his comment to her
  5. "Thats why I fell in love with you" scene
  6. Mulder going after the suspects, and the whole sequence paralleled with Scully discovering the nature of the abductions and rescuing Mulder as usual
  7. The end scene with Mulder and Scully, talking about where to go from there. I just love how it left it open. Don't Give Up. It can be applied to everything. Mulder's pursuit of his passions, Scully and her patient, their relationship, the future. I think it really fit. I love that Scully decided to do the procedure.
Overall I really loved the film. I am interested to see what everyone else thought and I hope it lived up to peoples expectations.
I definitely need more viewings I am sure that I left out some awesome parts to discuss. lol

Spoilers under cut!!!

film: the x files - i want to believe

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