Why are we afraid to be in love?

Jul 08, 2008 14:47


  • I am in the middle of a Buffy re-watch at the moment! I love it. I love going back and re-watching a show when you haven't watched in a while its like its new again. I used to hate Buffy and Angel cos I am a major Buffy/Spike shipper but I am LOVING them. They are too cute. Young David Boreanaz is so hot and adorable not that he isn't now but man I love Angel. It new for me cos I never did like him idk why, but now its love. I still think I prefer Spike over Angel cos idk I must have this thing for major bad boys or something, I just love spike. Season 2 is filled with so much awesome I totally forgot. yahhh
  • Also I have never watched a whole episode of Doctor Who before but on Sunday I watched one all the way through. It was the one where Donna and the Dr reunite. It was hilarious when they were mouthing to each other through the window, lol its great and OMG David is so hot, I just could not stop saying it out loud as I watched, lol And then he puts on his glasses and he is all sexy smart looking and adorable with his chuck taylors and his suits, squee. Doubt I'll seriously get into the show but it was great.
  • Not much is going on, I am kinda bored cos its uni holidays. I am trying to get another part time job but its hard cos as soon as I go back to uni its gonna be full on and I wont have time again so i think ill just bum around till then.
  • Going to Melbourne next week so that should be fun, going to see Wicked, shop, get a massage and facial and just have fun with my bff.
  • I saw Get Smart the other day, actually I ve seen it twice now! OMG it was fantastic, I loved it. Steve Carrell was awesome and omg Anne and Steve had the best chemistry. I really thought the film would be silly and stupid which it kinda was but not, if that makes sense. I thought it was the right sort of sillyness for that kind of movie. It was also HILARIOUS. OMG so many great one liners from Steve, LOVED IT!
  • Has anyone watched True Blood? It is really great. Its a new show, vampire centric, has Anna Paquin. I really enjoyed it.
  • Little over 2 weeks until XF2 I AM PSYCHED!
  • I am going to get my hair dyed blonde I think depending on what my hair dresser thinks, this is huge cos I have always had brown dark hair, I love it but I want a change ya know and if its blonde its easy to dye back if it looks horrible
How is everyone?

ship: buffy/spike, film: the x files 2, tv: true blood, tv: doctor who, tv: buffy, film: get smart, ship: buffy/angel

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