Everytime you walk away, you run away and take a piece of me with you there

May 16, 2008 18:50

I have been having heaps of fun lately re-watching The Office (UK). I had forgotten how funny and extremely awkward every scene is with David Brent. LOL. It is so hard to watch all his scenes yet you cannot look away. Most of the time, I am sitting there shocked at his behaviour yet highly entertained. I also love Tim and his banter with Gareth. Tim and Dawn are too cute, I love them just as much as Jim and Pam. I am glad that was bought onto the US version. LOL I still prefer the US version, but man the UK version is far more harsh and awkward. They are actually both quit different so its hard to compare. I guess I just adore Jim/Pam and Dwight so damn much that I just have to love the US one more.

I was shocked by the ending. I was thinking while Brennan was singing her heart out and giving it her all, where that crazy lady had gone. I love that I wasn't spoiled cos it makes it so much more exciting. Booth looked really injured, he can't die but I am seriously worried for him. I loved the shot of Brennan looking over him trying to keep him conscious and reassuring him, whilst keeping her emotions in tact. I loved Booth's enthusiasm for Brennan. He was so adorable. It is just another example of their love and support of each other that goes beyond friends/partners but they a yet to be aware of it. If only Sweets would just explain it to them, yet they would still deny it. LOL

Gossip Girl
Wow. This show is so good! It is so addictive. Georgina is a conieving little bitch and I hate her. Despite that, she does add a lot of drama to the show. I know I know its kinda lame but I love it! The whole drama with Serena was horrible, she was trying so hard to change and put her mistakes behind her. I enjoyed Blair, Chuck and Nate together trying to help Serena. I love Blair, and omg Chuck! I love him more every week. I cannot help shipping Blair/Chuck, they have such good chemistry and really want them to work it out. I cant wait to see where their relationship goes. And of course, LILY & RUFUS. OMG. I loved it! Rufus singing was amazing, and then when Lily stood at the back and watched and you could hear the words he was singing, and connect it with their situation, it was heartbreaking. Rufus all but threw his guitar at the host, leaped off the stage and went after Lily. She walks out, looking overwhelmed and confused. She lets out a breathe, as Rufus comes rushing out behind her. Lily insists that he moves out of her way, he refuses until they end the pointless argument with a kiss. *sigh* It was just perfect and I was smiling and squeeing like a fool, I love them so much!

What a great episode. It was constructed really well and House was his typical self but in overdrive which made for great new dynamics to House's obsession with finding the answer. I loved how we open on him disorientated, in a strip club, with a head injury. It has the audience asking a million different questions, keeps you watching. I love the concept of House trying to figure out who on the bus was sick, and trying all different approaches that compromised his health to solve it. It is a further example of his obsession. The memory/delusion sequences were fantastic. I loved the bar scene, with the blank faces figures and the 'BEER' written on the label, pretty much the whole aesthetics of his delusions. Oh yeah and the fantasy about Cuddy, HOT! I love how she was there in his mind helping him to solve the puzzle, as much as he pesters her about her lack of skills as a doctor, deep down he obviously respects and believes in her ability as a doctor and would go to her to throw ideas around more often if he wasn't so stubborn. I am excited to see how it all plays out next week with House and Amber.

I am off to watch The Office finale! YAH!

ship: blair/chuck, ship: house/cuddy, tv: the office, ship: tim/dawn, ship: booth/brennan, ship: lily/rufus, tv: house, tv: gossip girl, tv: bones

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