Hey Scully is this demonstration of boyish agility turning you on at all!?

Feb 14, 2008 19:35


Another great random episode. LOL the opening scene with Mulder’s “Kill me now” comment. &hearts!

I love how Scully comes into the motel room with the drinks and their little exchange of comments.

Mulder: PARTAY!

Scully: However, I must remind you that this goes against the Bureau’s policy of male female agents consorting in the same motel room while on assignment

Mulder: Try any of that tale hook crap on me Scully and Ill kick your ass

And of course the scene out in the woods.

Mulder: I was told once that the best way to generate body heat is to crawl naked into a sleeping bag with someone else who is already naked

Scully: Maybe if it rains sleeping bags you’ll get lucky! OH SNAP SCULLY! Tee Hee

The Post-Modern Prometheus

This was such a cool episode, comic book style! It was just crazy from the beginning as we are thrown into this story. I love that it was in black and white. The music was awesome. It fit so well with the whole thing. It had that ‘circus’ feel to it. The Cher music was also well placed in this out-of-the-norm country town. The lighting was really good too. The effect of it in black and white was enhanced by the minimal lighting in parts. The few scenes with the lightning in the background was used to light it in a exaggerated and Frankenstein style. I also distinctly remember a great blocked shot where the mother is just placed short of the living room door frame, asking the son about the article in the paper. Scully poked her head from off screen and then Mulder follows. It was so well placed and cute. IDK I loved it.

OMG after Mulder and Scully were gassed. That shot of them at the table, slumped over, hands on chin, hair messy. LOL. OMG and then Mulder kept stacking it against the oven because he was still groggy, LOL &hearts!

The last scene was great with the dance, I love Mulder holding out his arm to Scully and she grabs it. She is pulled into his arms and they dance around. LOL it was so sweet!


It was shocking to discover that Scully had a child that was created by the people who abducted her. The child was just created as a test to be experimented on. It sucks to think about the lengths that these people go to. It was heartbreaking to see Scully automatically drawn to the child and wanting to protect her. I think it was just another great example of Gillian in this show. Her character goes through so much and puts on such a tough front. When something as emotional as having a child you know nothing about when you are not meant to be able to have children would be a tough situation to deal with. I am glad that she was able to have Mulder there for her. Even at the end when she had to let her go. Although Scully wanted time alone, she knew that he was there for her regardless.

Bad Blood

OMG I love this episode. It was so weird watching it cos it was all rushing back to me the awesomeness of it. I loved Scully’s account of Mulder at the beginning and his ‘enthusiasm’ for the case. LOL when he was flipping through the slides! LOL and Scully’s facial expressions when Mulder is describing his theory to the sheriff. The autopsy! Mulder on the bed! SHAFT!

Then Mulder’s account, with Scully all whiny and her drooling over the sheriff. Oh shit, when they were trying to shoot out the tires and it cuts to a ‘different approach’ with Mulder hanging on for dear life trying to slow the RV.  It was hilarious from start to finish.

Patient X

This was such a flip in characters episode. I really hated seeing Mulder all negative and dismissive. I guess its even worse because he was such a passionate and persistent person in his strive for the truth. The truth being a huge lie has obviously affected Mulder more than we are lead to believe until now. We see Mulder being able to ‘rationally’ explain and therefore dismiss all the signs that we, for so long have heard from Scully. Now it’s Scully who is open to more. She is not quick to see the scientific unwavering results of the events that have occurred. The abduction draws her to that bridge. We don’t see her become an obsessive follower, but we can see her being more open as she pursues this feeling and is drawn to the bridge. I loved the scene where Mulder was so dismissive of Cassandra and Scully being almost offended and hurt that he would not even entertain the ideas. They both see how the other has been treated over the past few years.

The Red and the Black

We are left wondering what happened to Scully on the bridge. Once Scully is found it is a matter of discovering what she saw and who the faceless assassins were. It was interesting to see the whole aliens vs this other race. So there is a struggle for who will dominate? I was a little confused. I know the government have used the abductions and sightings as a cover for their own agenda but what are we to believe? Is there other life forms visiting earth? How much farther have the tests with the ‘black oil’ gone? So their might be a cure out there? It’s been used to arm them against what may/may not come? I think I got a little confused, I need to re-watch.

OMG I was blown away by the scene in the therapist’s office. When Scully underwent the hypnosis sessions, Gillian was amazing. Man these two continue to amaze me in their loyalty and friendship. Mulder was still skeptical and unwavering from his belief that its all a hoax, but never left her. He stayed through the session, grasping Scully’s hand when she unconsciously reached for his. Its shows that on all levels of consciousness they are there for each other, and rely so heavily on one another. &hearts.

Mulder: You have to be willing to see

Scully: I wish it were that simple

Mulder: Scully you have to believe me. Nobody else on this whole damn planet does or ever will. You’re my one in five billion.

- Folie a Deux 5x19
I just had to add this cos it was a great moment between them. 
Ahhh I just got a package in the post from Law School. Please read these case files and answer the questions attached. Before this can you go online and download two chapters, read them, understand them then do the quiz. Also in O Week we are required to go to daily lectures. Fun! Yeah Uni isn't even back yet and we have to do work. Crap. Law is going to kill me. LOL

tv: the x files, ship: mulder/scully

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