No I will not have sex with you!!

Nov 14, 2007 15:34

I just bought a few weeks ago season 1, 2 and 3 of House. I just finished re-watching Season 1. It has been ages since I have seen them cos I didn't get heavily into House till about Season 2. OMG I had totally forgotten how great it was.

The pilot though was amazing especially the cinematography. You can tell they were going for something new and different. There was just this feel about the pilot and the angles it was shot and the colour of the camera filters. Probably due to Bryan Singer directing it.
Last night I watched Three Stories and Honeymoon. OMG they are so friggin awesome. I love hoe David Shore introduced us to Houses' condition and how it all went down.

Ah the one bit that was just hilarious to watch was the Cam/House stuff. The date is just so awkward to watch. I was just giggling and found it hard to watch. Though I don't ship them AT ALL. It was so cute the whole Cameron asking if he liked her and getting rejected, then she would only come back if he went on a date with him. Oh nieve young Cam I love you. Ok House and the corsage that was cute, come one you have to admit it.

The best bit about that whole thing was Cuddy mentioning that he should "wear the powder blue shirt it makes you look even nice" or something. SQUEEEE oh those two OWN me. and each other. Cuddy was awesome in Babies & Bathwater cos she totally saved House and Wilson. But it was frustrating that she had to give up the $100,000,000 which is a shit load of money! Voglar was an ass, treating a hospital like a business, hello its a little more than that you tool!

Well I better get back to it on to Season Two - ahh yes the season with Stacy. I like her but being around House and throwing her life in his face is harsh.
Crap I still haven't even watch Prison Break or Heroes. Mah I'll get to it later....

lots of love flist xoxo

Hello to any new people on my flist*waves* welcome to my crazy world! :P

ship: house/cuddy, dvd's, tv: house

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