Prison Break

Oct 10, 2007 15:44

Ok so Sara is dead. We all knew that it would be her head though we all secretly hoped it wouldn't be, I know I did!
So according to Autello the writers had decided to kill Sara T. SWC was obviously upset about this, told them to get fucked and decided not to return at all. I kinda don't blame her. You find out that your character is getting killed off when you would assume that the character is vital to the series. Why not just leave, screw them! Just focus on her family, good on her!
I just don't understand why they would do this. I thought the show was about family, love, faith and all that. I don't see how killing off a character that means so much to the main character, it contradicts the entire ideology of the show, IMO. Sara was his motivation, his reason for helping "The Company" and Whistler. Sure the program is still gonna have its twists and turns, the cliff hangers etc but why do this to a great female character on the show. Yeah they wanna be 'shocking' and break the 'norms' of tv but come on. There are so many other shocking and unforeseen things they could have thought of. I never saw Michael/Sara sailing off into the sunset together everything all happy ever after but I always thought they would get their time together. Maybe we wouldn't see it. I would have been happy if she escaped and then at least Michael would have the motivation to get out and go find her, or something, ya know? I am just really sad that it had to come to this.
Say they do get out of it, what then? Sara is gone. Linc will (prob) have L.J. What does Michael get. Where is the reason to keep fighting?
I will keep watching the show as I want to know how Michael gets out of it but really, I couldn't care less about what happens to most of the characters now. Most of them are horrible and unlikable.
That is all.

Yah NEW Pushing Daisies, House, Bones and Gossip Girls. Wednesdays rock!!!!

ship: michael/sara, tv: prison break

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