I dont know, this could break my heart

Oct 06, 2007 17:52

Now that I have your attention..............thanks Gemma! -

Hey everyone long time no post. I have been so busy with work but I am still keeping up with my flist as much as I can. I have also had some serious RL problems and have just had me really depressed and not wanting to write anything, my shows sadly are like the only thing that make my day. Anyway, I seriously just had to do a tv post cos there have been so much new awesome tv lately and I need to write about it Under cut in case people haven't seen yet.
All the usuals and some new ones: Bones, House, The Office, Gossip Girls, Prison Break, Private Practice, Moonlight, and Heroes.

Oh bones how I love thee. So series premiere. Bones was 'subtly' avoiding Booth in the field because she hadn't found a new Zak replacement. Yeah sure Bones according to Angela she couldn't handle the iconic image of herself and Booth at the alter those many months ago. I love the Angela totally ships those two. I am so happy with this series its just so damn awesome to watch. I love all the Booth and Bones moments, their banter and just all round cuteness whenever they are on screen together they have such awesome chemistry. LOVE IT! As much as I really wanna see them get together I feel that it may ruin it if they do. So I am quit content with them as they are for a while. CANNOT wait till they go to therapy, Ive seen the episode stills and OMG it will be great viewing! Angela and Jack are cute also but not as much as B/B, interested to see where they go through this season. Cam. mah. That is all there is about her to say really....BOOTH DRUNK SO ADORABLE, AND THE LEANING ON BRENNAN'S SHOULDER!!!

Ok this show cannot get more awesome. No wait it can. AHHH the series premiere was just OMG full of many FLAILY Huddy moments. Where to friggin start. Ummm House playing the guitar. HOT. Cuddy coming in and harrassing House for not hiring a team. HOT. Lisa in her awesome outfits, pulling out the amp plug and holding it out, ummm SQUUUEEEE AND HOTTTTT! I have never really taken to Wilson he just irritates me and I never understood why he is friends with House anyways cos he treats him like dirt. Anyway...he was awesome in this episode. I love how he kidnapped the guitar and left the ransom note and that phone call. 'Dont contact the police....or cuddy' something like that but was awesome. Lisa playing with Houses' rubber band ball=too much cuteness. The best bit I loved was her sitting on that clear table she look awesome! and when her returned she was still there! The POTW seemed straight forward but the ending when it turned out to be another person entirely was a great twist. Imagine being in that situation and suddenly knowing that your daughter was dead the whole time, heartbreaking :(
The second episode was also more greatness. I love House's hiring plan. Hire and entire lecture theatre of people and slowly fired them for random reasons. It makes great tv. I love number 26- Peter Jacobson!!! Yah he was Jacob (Sam's dad) in SG-1 I love when there is fandom crossovers. woot! ARG just leave number 13 cannot stand you, thanks. Cannot remember his number but he was HOT and he got fired-damn. Kal Penn was ok at the start then I thought he was awesome when he tired to sneak back in once he was fired by changing his number from 6 to 9-LOL. The bitchy/fisty girl is obviously unlikable but its a good character to add to the mix. The moorman dude or whatever was pretty mah but at least there is a wide range of characters who are obviously gonna be the main bunch for a while. Can't wait to see where it goes. Cameron at the end with House-cue nausea thanks. Man I cringe when ever they are together on screen, sorry for any cam/house shippers I totally get it but I don't ya know!? LOL Each to there own.

The Office
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. My fav show so far. Well I do love them all but the series premiere was awesome blawesome. Ok Michael hitting Meridith was hilarious and the whole fun run with the enormously long and rediculous name LMFAO. (My mum poked her head in the door asking WHAT the hell was so funny, I laugh really loud at The Office, he he. Its funny, duh!) Dwight putting Sprinkles in the the freezer was just pure GOLD! And the whole claw marks thing, LOL Ok Jim and Pam. I was so excited and scared to see what happened with these two. They could not have done it more perfectly. They are together and keeping it secret from the office. You can just tell how much happier they both are that they are together. Its back to the Jam of Season 1. They are flirty, smily and happy -it just radiates from them. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. SQUEEEEEEEEE. The whole holding hands thing was so adorable and just so right. I can see this going on for a while. it just works. Some couples that get together on shows just sort of fizzle out after a while but they rock together, sigh I want a Jim :P
LMFAO when Michael was talking about mythical creatures, it went on for ages it seemed and they got even more rediculous, I was holding my sides and wiping tears away from laughing so much. Loved aggressive Jan talking to Pam about staying away from Michael. So funny! oh and Angela and that Halloween photo - two cats out on the town, lol Man this show makes me feel so happy.
The second episode was just as awesome. LOL Ryan returns and he is all businessy and slick looking. He is informing everyone of the company's new improvements in the ways of technology. LOL the confrontation with Jan and her commenting that he is a snake with Michael. I really loved there little lunch and conversation it was cute and funny and weird at the same time.
Oh Dwight misses Angela, he was so cute and crying in Michael's car-LMAO. I loved his really subtle -i miss you- at the office and Angela's - elevators now-love them so much.
LMFAO - driving in the lake oh Michael!
Jim and Pam flirting every so often - thanks for making me feel even worse about not having an awesome bf like Jim, LOL
Creed totally WINS! Loved his new hair and the whole 30 year old persona. There is so much more funny but cant write it all, just watch it peoples!

Gossip Girls
Oh wow, I really love this show! Its in New York and has a bunch of cute boys whats not to love!?
Its meant to be The OC in NY, well i hate The OC but am loving GG. Serena is absolutely gorgeous! Blake Lively is one of the most beautiful people I have seen I don't know what is about her but I think she is stunning. She also has some awesome outfits on the show. Its pretty much one of those teen shows about relationships and friends and family etc. Set in NY at a private high school with a narrator (who i think is Kristen Bell it sounds  an awful lot like her...) who is this online blogger who keeps track of the going ons of the popular people at the school. I adore Dan and love Serena and Dan so cute. Blair is a little bitch but fun to watch. Nate is damn fine but a tool in my opinion. LOL Chuck is also a tool with is stupid scarfs he he was a loser. I love it though. OMG my fav is Lily and Refus. As soon as I saw Dan's dad and then Serena's mom my fan girl and shipper side was totally going haywire, love them. And we find out that they used to know each other years ago and dated (that was my impression). Ahhhh this is the REASON I am watching -for them. Can't wait for more I am addicted its this first one that I watch out of my Tuesday night downloads I have to see more. I think its funny though, i went to a private school and we were never allowed jewelery, our hair down, makeup or in anyway allowed to pimp out our uniforms in anyway, though Serena's tie and half done up shirt looked awesome! oh tv land is so much better than RL!

Prison Break
Oh PB why did you have to have another season and totally ruin the awesomeness of seasons 1 and 2!?
Oh look Mahone, T-Bag, Bellick and Michael are all in Sona together how convenient. Oh and look Michael has to break out, how original. Sona is friggin scary and VERY unhygenic I would prob kill myself. Whistler is an Aussie, he goes up a few points in my books but he is obviously holding back, most likely will come back and bite Michael in the ass when he is attempting to break the dude out. I will continue to watch cos well its PB and I have a soft spot for it. I guess SWC is not coming back. I really hope that they don't kill Sara off but keep her alive but not IN the show, ya know. Then I can deal. Its still great to watch but after Monday's episode I am really worried about what is in that box. If Sara is dead I will be pissed off. If that is the way they kill off this beloved characters I think its a really low thing to do.

Private Practice
I was very skeptical about watching this show but I did cos Kate Walsh is just full of awesome and so gorgeous. I actually really really like this show, sure the plots and patients are nothing new but the characters are really growing on me. Especially Cooper and Violet. Ok too cute. They are really great friends and they seem to have this great relationship despite how different they are. One of my fav ways that people get together is being friends and an already established and solid relationship. I hope this can cloom later on if the show continues. Did anyone notice how thin looking KW's arms were looking!? Don't get me wrong I love skinny but they look REALLY thin.
LOL Sam hugging a stipper scene was so funny. Will continue to watch for a while, I hope it stays for at least a season.

Thought I would give it ago as Jason Dohring is in it. So its about a guy who is a vampire and a Private Investigator. Only seen the first episode and its pretty good not sure how long it will last but will still watch it. Forgive me cos I cant remember any of their names. I am liking the fact that the reporter is the young girl he rescued years ago and he has been watching over her all those years. Cue the sighs. LOL

Yeah baby am loving the second season. David Anders is in it!!!!!!! Yah Hiro and Kensei are full of awesome. Claire and her new school lovin'. That new boy is adorable and he can fly too! OMG Claire chopped off her toe, badass! Yah Matt and Mohinder are roomies! That girl is ANNOYING but whatever. The two young brother and sister are interesting. So she goes all blacked eyed and deadly when she parts form her twin, interesting. Peter FTW his new abilities are awesome! CANNOT wait to see Kristen Bell. Gimme more gimme gimme more

There are a couple more shows that I have been watching but now worth a mention really. I will try and keep updating regularly but it will depend on my mood.

Cos its been on for a few years no need for cut...............
I am still watching SG-1. Have watched all season 1-8 and some of 9 and all of 10. Will get onto rest on season 9 but am losing interest as RDA has left. I have been watching SGA and LOVE IT! McKay is totally the most arrogant, self centered, prick but i wanna marry and have his babies!!!!! Sheppard his sooooo damn fine, mmmmm could eat him up! Ronon is hot too. Don't know what its is about him, he has the most adorable smile. I find his character really interesting. He has this badass attitude but I get the impression that he is this really sweet guy. I don't know where I pulled it from but I just think that when I see him. Elizabeth is awesome too I just wish she was in it more. She needs to come on more off world missions. CARSONNNNNNNN NOOOOOOOO. I was balling my eyes out like a baby. It was so sad.
I love the wit, humour and cool scifi shit on this show, so cooooool. I am a total scifi freak (i refuse to watch Star Trek though...)
I am still unsure on who I should ship. At first I could totally see Sheppard/Teyla but now Iam seeing the whole Sheppard/Weir (or 'Sparky') thing that has exploded in the fandom. Teyla/Ronon is also possible in my books. This show isn't about the ships at all so its sooo hard to find anything concrete to make me like any particular pairing. She has only been in two episodes but I loved Capman. I love her and McKay together. They have something. Two more episode left of season 3, then season 4 which has just started and Amanda Tapping is in it, hell yeah baby!

Well this has been a LONG post taken me about three hours, though I did watch Grey's in there too.

Hope everyone is well. Will hopefully update more often. Take care. xxoo

tv: the office, work, tv: smallville, tv: private practice, tv: house, tv: gossip girl, tv: bones, tv: prison break, tv: moonlight

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