Schrute Bucks - enough said!

May 18, 2007 10:37

Wow so have just watch The Office finale and it was fantastico! LOL

This episode was so hilarious and had everything in it to satisfy well me for a finale.

First off Jan and her new boobs. OMG that was the funniest thing eva. I loved everyones reactions. Of course Michael got back together with her it was inevitable when he turned around and saw her very revealing top, LOL Jan was so funny in this episode also I still cannot understand why she would want to be with Michael I guess he is different when he isn't acting for the camera. And her swearing at the boss dude and hugging her assistant - good luck with your band. don't let them change you - loved it!!!

Michael was his usual intolerable self and I loved it. Loved his speech about staying forever at the scranton branch and soomething about where he will always stay and his grave etc etc can't remember exactly but it was hilarious.

OMG and Pam. She is so friggin awesome. Her new more confident self is wicked to watch. Her agreeing to be Dwight's secret assistant manager and being all Jim about it was so cool. She seems back to herself when she was around Jim yet he isn't there so it's her being the more confident and outgoing one its great. ahhhhh and the ending was just perfect I thought. Pam is happy to be the new her with or without Jim but ofcourse when Jim is back she is beaming with happiness!! Yah for Jim for realising that he HAS to be with her. I liked Karen but you can tell they aren't really suited. This ending was good a kiss or something would have been weird cos he was/is still with Karen but him asking her out and then Pam smiling was just perfect.

Dwight and his Schrute bucks - enough said, this was about my favourite thing in the episode. I laughed SO hard when he whipped out that gigantic dollar and was going on about its worth etc he he he LOL

Yah Ryan FTW!!!!!!

There was many funny moments but I need to rewatch to remember but it was a great finale and I cannot wait until September!

Now Grey's Anatomy then Smallville and Scrubs if i can find a chanell with it on later, WOOT!

tv: the office, ship: jim/pam

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