Jul 12, 2010 04:59
i cant keep going like this.
im at the end of everything.
end of patience.
end of finance.
end of sanity.
end of hope.
nothing i try or do ever seems to make a difference. not a positive one anyways.
1 year. 12 months. 365 expensive, laborous days and what do i have to show for it.
i'm still hunting for waitressing jobs.
and failing.
i can't get anything, full time, or part time. i can even do commission works because no one's willing to be my customer.
ive got until november to start paying back my gigantic student loans.
my father has long since fallen off the face of the earth, only ever now and then making false promises of "helping me out".
my mother has decided to leave this country for finland in september, to be closer to her online "hubby" in denmark, ignoring my situation.
ive got about 2 months before my accounts are bone dry.
what more can i do.. ?