Loooolllll you attention whores. You people who whine when you don't get 1,000+ comments on something. You whine when people don't follow your every movement and worship you, groveling at your feet. You bitch when only 5 people comment on your newest look or picture.
Newsflash: real life isn't high school. It's not a popularity contest, and whining or bitching over something so mundane isn't gonna get you through life.
So grow up, the world doesn't revolve around you, and it sure as fuck doesn't owe you a second of its time. What makes you think I owe you anything more than a glance?
There's no hierarchy. Popularity doesn't determine success rate, not in the least. If anything it impairs judgment and stunts growth.
So yeah, I'm that insignificant, unpopular loser who just keeps trying and trying. I don't publicly complain about it, but it can suck balls. I doubt myself, debate giving up, but you know what?
I'm better than you. I'm not popular, so I keep pushing myself, see how much of a better person I can become. I'm not hindered by fans, or comments of how I'm perfect the way I am.
I pity you, for you've already given up.