Torchwood day 4

Jul 09, 2009 22:20

Well, we were all right.

I knew Ianto was a goner the minute he hooked up with Jack. There was no way the writers were going to 'tie' Jack down in a relationship for too long when they are always so eager to play up his 'have cock, will travel' image. And secondly, having Ianto die would of course mean more angst and loss for Jack.

Thirdly, Russell T. Davies is like Joss Whedon on speed. Difference is, Joss never killed his core Scoobies (well, there was Buffy that one time haha). For me, killing off another main character so soon after Owen and Tosh makes it mean less. Less affecting, less surprising. I do, however, feel like the intensity of this story arc did somehow warrant a death (if that makes sense). So yeah, in two minds. Meta-me sees the point, fangirl-me doesn't. ;)

I'm not going to stop watching if TW gets another series. It's well-written and involving and quite frankly, there's so little of that on TV at the moment. I'll take what I can get! BSG may have spat on the dead corpse of my pairing but what really made me lose my love for the show was the incoherent, contradictory mess it turned into - completely opposed to the story it started as. Torchwood is getting better as it goes on, imho.

And no, I don't think Merlin is going to be the answer for me LOL. Although feel free to cut and paste this if I end up with everyone else on the popular side of the fandom fence.. :P

Anyway, I've been feeling low all week and this isn't helping! Work has been suffering because I'm constantly distracted. I've been hating on Pete Wentz all week, too. Or maybe it's just that every little thing is irritating me and he does a lot of irritating little things? Bloody fandom.
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