Nov 10, 2004 16:16

So I obviously don't liked being told every single mean thing in my livejournal...most of the comments could have been kept to themseleves and where unnecessary for everyone to see!!Thanx to my so called friends!I guess I really don't know who my real friends are...this really makes me think alot, I wasn't just targeting you irene, it just hurt me the most that you would do something like that to me, I shared so much shit with you and I acually thought you cared, wow what a suprise to see that you acually didn't.I was there for you most of the time and don't say I wasn't a good friend.
Laura-Personally you have no right in saying my personal business on the lj, I thought you where a great person who acually thought before she spoke!Yes i'm not perfect, its not a suprise...but you guys don't have to fuckin gang up on me like this, you know i wouldn't do something like that to you guys. Oh and by the way laura I could definetly say some shit that would hurt you too, but i'm a bigger person then that and don't like to kick people when they are down.
Oh and mister right...if you thought it was so bad then why did you keep coming back...after the first time you could have just stopped, just like I could have...but it was our choice. I personally wouldn't have taken it back, and you are not a god alright.
I acually felt that you guys cared about me,or at least respected me enough to spare me some freakin pride, but I guess you didn't care about me and I was mistaken to care about any of you. But I can say I would never do this to any of you and to this day I would still be here for any of you if you need help!
So I guess I can say adios to you guys...I need to step away from this with at least a little pride!~

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! :)
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