I am going to start doing a "graphic of the month" thing starting this June. (edit: okay, I didn't manage to do it "every month" at all, but will try to do so in the near future, or at least add more of my past graphics stuff, when I get around to it. :D ) I will be picking some of my previously made wallpapers and icons to feature each month, or at least until I run out of ideas and graphics to post. Lol. Anyway, here goes...
My first pick is related to "Alias." It was one of my favorite TV shows, particularly its seasons 1 and 2.
:: graphic of the month (June) ::
- icons (7) + wallpaper (1) set
- subject: "Alias"
- like it? kindly credit upon use. Thanks! :)
click here to view the wallpaper >
-- I made this wallpaper ages ago... in 2005, I think. I sort of made the icons recently by just "cutting" bits of the wallpaper into 100 x 100 size because I got too lazy to make separate new ones. Haha. This wallpaper was originally (and still is) archived in my no-longer-updated
Alias fansite from before.