stolen from peacefuljane

Feb 28, 2007 18:19
DENVER -- Three people were arrested on chargesof swapping a 5-month-old boy for a down payment on a used DodgeIntrepid and cash, police said Tuesday.

Nicole Uribe, 23, isaccused of trading the baby to Jose-Juan Lerma, 47, and his wife,Irene, 27, in exchange for the down payment and an unspecified amountof cash. The alleged baby swap happened in Pueblo, police said.

Allthree were arrested on suspicion of felony trafficking in children andwere being held at the Pueblo jail on $50,000 bail each.

According to the arrest affidavit, an informant said the baby was sold for$10,000, but police did not verify that information in theirinvestigation. The affidavit alleges that Uribe accepted $1,500 fromthe Lermas, $500 of which was to be the down payment.

Uribe toldpolice she didn't believe she was selling the baby, according to theaffidavit, but that she was giving it up for adoption, saying shethought she signed adoption papers.

The affidavit said Uribethought she was giving the baby a better life, and because she had nomoney, she had no way to care for him. The document also says Uribeputs any money she has toward her two children and grandmother livingin Mexico.

The baby was placed in a foster home, police Sgt. Brett Wilson said.

He said police found the child and arrested Uribe within hours ofgetting a tip on Monday. The Lermas were arrested on Tuesday.

Wilson said all three were Mexican nationals and federal officials had been asked to investigate their immigration status.

anywho... I'm sitting at home, waiting for Ally to get home, so we can watch SOPRANOS!!! :-)
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