Jul 24, 2008 21:37
I dont know. My relationship with life right now is very love hate I guess. A lot has changed and I have renewed my friendships with people who I thought I would never be friends with again. I love that this has happened. But the thing I hate is that everybody seems so happy right now, dont get me wrong this is very good to hear but at the same time its like....why couldn't you be happy when I was around? Why does it seem like I'm that person that everybody treats like shit but later learns from? Why cant I meet these people after they have learned so I can be treated good too? I dont know, I guess really I am the only one to blame for this because I'm the one who chooses to not always be friends with the best people I guess. Most of the time I think I do this do because I have a lot of faith in people. Fuck....I dont know I'm just bumming kinda. I want a hug or maybe just something nice and comforting.