Dec 06, 2010 16:15
I like Christmas music in general. When it's after, say, December first? Yes, okay.
But not modern Christmas music. I like carols and simple recordings by people like Bing Crosby and Burl Ives. I like instrumental arrangements.
Not the overproduced, overplayed, oversung covers of every christmas ballad ever by every pop star ever. Those will make me instantly change the station, slapping the tuner buttons as if they were on fire and I needed to put them out.
Seriously. If I have to hear one more poptart warble out their own very special "allllll I want for ChristmaaAAAaaaAAaaaAAAasssss iIIIIIIiiiIIIIiiiiiiiiiIIIss... [cymbals crash and children's choirs rise] yoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I will probably break my dashboard with the sheer amount of force I will use to change the station.
Don't even get me started on that musical bugbear about the red shoes.
Thank whatever gods are out there that this will hopefully be the last holiday season I spend in retail.
EDIT: David Bowie was not a pop star, he is a god.